
Results 10 comments of Vahkiin

The crazy thing is thats only this output on server side...the client connect and disconnact and nothing happan. we use the latest branch and the latest acid update for ios...

yeah the authorisation is deactiveted :(

Please take a look at this error when i would connect with a 5.1.1 device

Can be this the reason why the iOS 6 Client disconnect with no error?

For more Infos you can Write me a pm. :-) if you have little bit of your time :-)

Yeah that would be great :)

Thx for your tests. I will try it later :)

Hey Mate i just try ``` exam = u'Hallo' Title = u'Das ist ein Test' view = AddViews(self.refId, dialogPhase="Completion") Answer = AnswerObject(title=Title,lines=[AnswerObjectLine(text=exam)]) view1 = AnswerSnippet(answers=[Answer]) view.views = [view1] self.say(Answer) self.sendRequestWithoutAnswer(view)...

Nope thats will display a empty bubble :D but i have a solution.... UIRepeatIt() :)

Have the exact same problem with Spring Boot 3.1.1/Security;6.1.1/Kerberos:2.0.0