
Results 78 issues of MartinSStewart

I tried using `Script.andThen` like this ``` Script.File.readOnly init.userPrivileges path |> |> Script.andThen (\text -> Script.succeed text) ``` I was expecting it to work the same way `andThen` works...

I think the following would be a useful helper function to have once is solved. ``` elmHome : Script.Init -> String elmHome init = let default = case init.platform...

I tried to read from a file and found that file paths in this form `~/path/to/file.txt` don't work. If I change it to `/Users/MyAccount/path/to/file.txt` then it does work however.

```elm mapBoth : (Result e a -> Result e1 a1) -> Script e a -> Script e1 a1 mapBoth map = Script.attempt >> Script.thenWith (\result -> case map result of...

Hi, one suggestion I have is to use [elm-units]( instead or having your own API for dealing with durations. Then you can just have `after : Duration -> msg ->...

I often need to compare two Time.Posix values. Since elm/time doesn't have a `compare` function, I end up writing `Time.posixToMillis time0 > Time.posixToMillis time1` a lot. I think this would...

This package fails to parse obj files that contain line segments (i.e. `l 346 357`). I'm guessing this is known since the limitations section in the readme says `No free-form...

It would be convenient if `Element.padding` and `Element.spacing` could use the fill behavior that `Element.width` and `Element.height` have. For example `Element.padding Element.fill` in ```elm body = Element.el [ Background.color

In `avh4/elm-color`'s own words: `The this package defines a standard Color type (taking the place of elm-lang/core#Color in Elm 0.18) with the hope that all Elm packages that produce colors...

I wanted to write an elm-review rule that would verify that an Elm package has a valid Elm constraint. For example, 0.19.1
