keras2ncnn copied to clipboard
Wrong classification model output
Converted model from keras to NCNN. Pre-processing used in keras(python) is as follows
# reading image in cv Mat format
orig = cv2.imread('black.png')
# Converting image from BGR to RGB
image = cv2.cvtColor(orig, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# Resizing image to 128x128
image = cv2.resize(image, (128, 128))
# Convert image to float by and normalize by dividing it by 255
image = image.astype("float") / 255.0
# Convert image to array
image = img_to_array(image)
# Expand numpy array dimentions
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
# Load keras model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('cnn128.h5')
# Give input to keras model
pred = model.predict(image)[0]
I tried to replicate the steps in c++ for NCNN model
// reading image in cv Mat format
Mat image = imread("eyes.jpg"); //read image
// Converting image from BGR to RGB
cv::cvtColor(image, image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
// Resizing image to 128x128
Mat img;
resize(image, img, Size(128, 128));
// Convert image to float by and normalize by dividing it by 255
img /= 255.0;
// Load ncnn model
ncnn::Net smallCNN;
// converting cv::Mat image to ncnn::Mat
ncnn::Mat in = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels(, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_RGB, img.cols, img.rows);
// Give input to ncnn model
ncnn::Extractor ex = smallCNN.create_extractor();
ex.input("conv2d_8_input_blob", in);
when run the code, as an output I am getting this value
8 = 1.000000
7 = 0.000000
6 = 0.000000
where 8 is the label and 1.000000 is the probability. correct label is 0 and not 8
can anyone please help to understand what went wrong in input processing ?
Can you provide the model for debugging?
Model link:
Full c++ inference program
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/ml.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include "dirent.h"
#include "net.h"
using namespace cv::ml;
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
/* Function is taken from one of NCNN examples */
static int print_topk(const std::vector<float>& cls_scores, int topk)
// partial sort topk with index
int size = cls_scores.size();
std::vector<std::pair<float, int> > vec;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
vec[i] = std::make_pair(cls_scores[i], i);
std::partial_sort(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + topk, vec.end(),
std::greater<std::pair<float, int> >());
// print topk and score
for (int i = 0; i < topk; i++)
float score = vec[i].first;
int index = vec[i].second;
fprintf(stderr, "%d = %f\n", index, score);
return 0;
int main()
// reading image in cv Mat format
Mat image = imread("eyes.jpg"); //read image
// Converting image from BGR to RGB
cv::cvtColor(image, image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
// Resizing image to 128x128
Mat img;
resize(image, img, Size(128, 128));
// Convert image to float by and normalize by dividing it by 255
img /= 255.0;
// Load ncnn model
ncnn::Net smallCNN;
// converting cv::Mat image to ncnn::Mat
ncnn::Mat in = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels(, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_RGB, img.cols, img.rows);
// Give input to ncnn model
ncnn::Extractor ex = smallCNN.create_extractor();
ex.input("conv2d_8_input_blob", in);
ncnn::Mat out;
ex.extract("dense_5_Softmax_blob", out);
vector<float> v1;
std::vector<float> cls_scores;
for (int j = 0; j < out.w; j++)
cls_scores[j] = out[j];
std::cout<<"score: "<<out[j];
print_topk(cls_scores, 3);
return 0;
Thanks! Can you also provide the original keras model comparing?
Uploaded kerass model same folder here:
Here is the keras2ncnn debug mode output (by inputing random data), it seems like the network forward path is completely identical, so the problem may be in the pre-processing stage of the network. Can you try to extract the conv2d_8_input and conv2d_8 layers and comparing them to the image in the line pred = model.predict(image)[0]
Layer Name: conv2d_8, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 43, 43, 16) ncnn->(16, 43, 43)
Max: keras->0.819 ncnn->0.819 Min: keras->-0.964 ncnn->-0.964
Mean: keras->-0.083 ncnn->-0.083 Var: keras->0.215 ncnn->0.215
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [ 0.084 0.128 -0.216 -0.194 0.106 -0.197 -0.051 0.18 -0.159 -0.058]
Ncnn Feature Map: [ 0.084 0.128 -0.216 -0.194 0.106 -0.197 -0.051 0.18 -0.159 -0.058]
Layer Name: max_pooling2d_8, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 22, 22, 16) ncnn->(16, 22, 22)
Max: keras->0.819 ncnn->0.819 Min: keras->-0.693 ncnn->-0.693
Mean: keras->0.097 ncnn->0.097 Var: keras->0.178 ncnn->0.178
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [0.128 0.016 0.106 0.18 0.16 0.01 0.062 0.162 0.175 0.135]
Ncnn Feature Map: [0.128 0.016 0.106 0.18 0.16 0.01 0.062 0.162 0.175 0.135]
Layer Name: conv2d_9, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 11, 11, 32) ncnn->(32, 11, 11)
Max: keras->0.994 ncnn->0.994 Min: keras->-1.331 ncnn->-1.331
Mean: keras->-0.115 ncnn->-0.115 Var: keras->0.370 ncnn->0.370
Cosine Similarity: -0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [0.594 0.511 0.582 0.539 0.646 0.273 0.217 0.661 0.864 0.311]
Ncnn Feature Map: [0.594 0.511 0.582 0.539 0.646 0.273 0.217 0.661 0.864 0.311]
Layer Name: max_pooling2d_9, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 6, 6, 32) ncnn->(32, 6, 6)
Max: keras->0.994 ncnn->0.994 Min: keras->-0.900 ncnn->-0.900
Mean: keras->0.034 ncnn->0.034 Var: keras->0.345 ncnn->0.345
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [0.594 0.721 0.724 0.661 0.864 0.175]
Ncnn Feature Map: [0.594 0.721 0.724 0.661 0.864 0.175]
Layer Name: conv2d_10, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 6, 6, 64) ncnn->(64, 6, 6)
Max: keras->1.508 ncnn->1.508 Min: keras->-2.416 ncnn->-2.416
Mean: keras->-0.259 ncnn->-0.259 Var: keras->0.535 ncnn->0.535
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [-0.803 -0.622 -0.666 -0.458 -0.862 -0.529]
Ncnn Feature Map: [-0.803 -0.622 -0.666 -0.458 -0.862 -0.529]
Layer Name: max_pooling2d_10, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 3, 3, 64) ncnn->(64, 3, 3)
Max: keras->1.508 ncnn->1.508 Min: keras->-1.635 ncnn->-1.635
Mean: keras->0.068 ncnn->0.068 Var: keras->0.479 ncnn->0.479
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [-0.622 -0.458 -0.529]
Ncnn Feature Map: [-0.622 -0.458 -0.529]
Layer Name: conv2d_11, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 3, 3, 64) ncnn->(64, 3, 3)
Max: keras->2.364 ncnn->2.364 Min: keras->-3.498 ncnn->-3.498
Mean: keras->-0.388 ncnn->-0.388 Var: keras->0.852 ncnn->0.852
Cosine Similarity: -0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [-0.083 0.35 1.077]
Ncnn Feature Map: [-0.083 0.35 1.077]
Layer Name: max_pooling2d_11, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 2, 2, 64) ncnn->(64, 2, 2)
Max: keras->2.364 ncnn->2.364 Min: keras->-2.076 ncnn->-2.076
Mean: keras->-0.044 ncnn->-0.044 Var: keras->0.713 ncnn->0.713
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [0.35 1.077]
Ncnn Feature Map: [0.35 1.077]
Layer Name: flatten_2, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 256) ncnn->(1, 1, 256)
Max: keras->2.364 ncnn->2.364 Min: keras->-2.076 ncnn->-2.076
Mean: keras->-0.044 ncnn->-0.044 Var: keras->0.713 ncnn->0.713
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [ 0.35 0.873 -0.533 -0.701 -1.271 0.158 -0.739 -0.816 0.883 -0.247]
Ncnn Feature Map: [ 0.35 0.873 -0.533 -0.701 -1.271 0.158 -0.739 -0.816 0.883 -0.247]
Keras Top-k: 88:2.364, 174:1.651, 127:1.642, 195:1.427, 25:1.396
ncnn Top-k: 88:2.364, 174:1.651, 127:1.642, 195:1.427, 25:1.396
Layer Name: dense_4, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 256) ncnn->(1, 1, 256)
Max: keras->6.627 ncnn->6.627 Min: keras->0.000 ncnn->0.000
Mean: keras->0.997 ncnn->0.997 Var: keras->1.479 ncnn->1.479
Cosine Similarity: 0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [0. 0. 1.482 1.711 2.979 5.397 0. 0.248 0. 1.833]
Ncnn Feature Map: [0. 0. 1.482 1.711 2.979 5.397 0. 0.248 0. 1.833]
Keras Top-k: 82:6.627, 12:6.439, 90:5.565, 129:5.425, 201:5.404
ncnn Top-k: 82:6.627, 12:6.439, 90:5.565, 129:5.425, 201:5.404
Layer Name: dense_5_Softmax, Layer Shape: keras->(1, 9) ncnn->(1, 1, 9)
Max: keras->1.000 ncnn->1.000 Min: keras->0.000 ncnn->0.000
Mean: keras->0.111 ncnn->0.111 Var: keras->0.314 ncnn->0.314
Cosine Similarity: -0.00000
Keras Feature Map: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.]
Ncnn Feature Map: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.]
Keras Top-k: 8:1.000, 2:0.000, 5:0.000, 1:0.000, 0:0.000
ncnn Top-k: 8:1.000, 2:0.000, 5:0.000, 7:0.000, 6:0.000
Something like this happened before... but I just not able to find where the accuracy mismatched.
yes, same for me too. But will try to print the output of first layer in both keras and NCNN, then we might be able to solve it. Will let you know if I get any success ! Thanks though
Maybe you can also give me a test picture and expected output
Image is updated in the same drive link:
Expected output: 0
where 0 is the label index.
Cool, let me have a look.
How did you print these values ?
If possible can you please help me with the program which prints it ?
How did you print these values ?
If possible can you please help me with the program which prints it ?
It's keras2ncnn's build-in debug mode, by running:
python3 -mkeras2ncnn -i MODEL_FILE.h5 -d
However, it still contains a lot of bug. I am thinking of using docker for it. You can refer this code snap for your program: and this for loading:
One thing I noticed is this, in keras the dimensions of input are type: float32[?,128,128,3]
and in NCNN is type: float32[128,128,3]
Keras is 4D and NCNN is 3D, do you know how to convert the NCNN image to 4D ?
While using the debugger I am getting this error
python3 -mkeras2ncnn -i cnn128.h5 -d
ValueError: ('Unrecognized keyword arguments:', dict_keys(['ragged']))
One thing I noticed is this, in keras the dimensions of input are
type: float32[?,128,128,3]
and in NCNN istype: float32[128,128,3]
Keras is 4D and NCNN is 3D, do you know how to convert the NCNN image to 4D ?
ncnn does not have 4D tensor and the batch dim. The dim of the keras is 4-D because of the batch, you dont need that in the ncnn. So no worrying, it's correct.
While using the debugger I am getting this error
python3 -mkeras2ncnn -i cnn128.h5 -d
ValueError: ('Unrecognized keyword arguments:', dict_keys(['ragged']))
Can you paste the full ouptut log? It seems like not the issue from the debugger