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Unified Asset Directory

Open Kruithne opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments


How feasible would it be to allow a configurable directory that assets are dropped into for exports, and referenced in the 3D models from there? Over the course of time, I have a metric tonne of duplicated files all over the place, which isn't a problem but also not ideal.

Ideal scenario would be something like...

  • Define an asset directory in config, such as D:\assets
  • All M2 objects that are exported go into D:\assets\m2 without their WoW directory structures.
  • All WMO objects that are exported go into D:\assets\wmo without their WoW directory structures, and drop child M2 objects into D:\assets\m2
  • All textures for M2/WMOs are exported into D:\assets\tex without their WoW directory structures.
  • For ADT tiles, export into D:\assets\adt under a single directory for the map, such as D:\assets\adt\expansion01\expansion01_43_12_29.png

While losing the organization structure that the exporting currently provides, it would be far more beneficial for the following reasons.

  • Stops duplicated texture/object files all over the place, which saves a lot of disk space.
  • Moves texture files away from objects, making the directory with the objects less cluttered.
  • Easier for sustained import usage to filter one single directory containing all M2 objects, rather than having to navigate the WoW directory tree to find every item, and makes it searchable using the Blender import directory as opposed to having to Windows search and then still manually navigate.
  • Speeds up exporting if existing files are not overwritten since more re-use?

Kruithne avatar Dec 16 '18 18:12 Kruithne