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Import M2 from ADT but not from WMO option

Open Kruithne opened this issue 6 years ago • 0 comments


In the same vein as the other PRs, would it be feasible to have an option for map exporting that allows the M2 doodads from the ADT itself to be included, but the M2 doodads from included WMOs to be excluded?

Use-case example: Exporting the area of Wollerton Farm behind Stormwind city for a scene. Having the M2 doodads that are part of the ADT itself would be useful (trees, pumpkins, fences, etc). But if the interiors of the WMO's is not used, having all the M2's inside of those slows it all down unnecessarily.


Kruithne avatar Sep 01 '18 21:09 Kruithne