Take a look at the sample assets included in the sdk. SpawnInsideModifier is the buzzword or search for "SpawnInParkModifier" If that does not match your needs you can even script...
okay thx! I will check that approach and share the results. Another idea (only for this very specific case) could be some kind of tile-texture-colorpicking. If you know the exact...
I ran into the same problem. Will check out your approach and thanks in advance!
Hey @sasobogdanov , i already reported this some time ago: you will have to trigger an permissionrequest yourself on first startup to avoid this bug in the DeviceLocationProvider class....
@brnkhy It's been a while already since i discovered the issue but i think the error was pretty obvious. Will have a look again next week and maybe i can...
Maybe an investigation that could help solving the isse. I tried to create a MapVisualizer (Quad-Tree) Scriptable Object via Mapbox Context menu. The idea was to assign this object in...
Maybe there is an mapbox-way of doing this. Otherwise there are plenty approaches to check this using c# or unity api tools. my first approach would be to calculate a...
Can't confirm this. Could you provide more information about build target, unity version, scripting backend ?
@ringorjo good to hear. could you please close the issue ?
It's still the case on performance branch but i discovered this issue already on the latest stable release.