robotframework-faker copied to clipboard
No function "Library FakerLibrary locale=pt-br"
Library FakerLibrary locale=pt-br
Try the following below, it may be a solution:
-First open the vscode and press "Ctrl" + ","
It should appear a search bar, you should search for robot.pythonpath and click in "Edit in settings.json".
Open the Json setting file, you should see something like below:
Change the directory marked for your path to the python library, don't forget to use two "\" instead of just one. You can find the path to the library using the code below: pip show robotframework-faker
The response to the command above should be just like below:
Copy the path from your python library and remmember to add \ to every directory and add the final path to ''robot.pythonpat'': [ ] on the Json file.
@WilliamMega, Shouldn't it be with _