obsidian-markmind icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-markmind copied to clipboard

A mind map, outline for obsidian,It support mobile and desktop

Obsidian mark mind



This is not an open source project . but lishid (obsidian developer) can check this code.
Web site : https://www.markmind.net


free Catalyst
basic mode of mindmap advanced features in rich mode of mind map
most features in rich mode of mindmap pdf annotate
list mode support development
support mobile and pc support mobile and pc
$0 $12 (forever)

You can try it for 30 days for free,and you can buy a active code in website , then input it in setting tab

Discord server

Markmind docs navigation


PDF annotator


Obsidian mark mind is a mind map,outline and pdf annotate tool base on obsidian api.

Mind map introduction

it contains two modes : basic and rich

Add yaml to markdown:


mindmap-plugin: basic (or rich)


Then you can find Open as mindmap menu in more options

In basic mode

You can use the basic mind map function and use outline mode , it like the obsidian-enhancing-mindmap plugin.

basic mode will output this markdown:


mindmap-plugin: basic


# Mark mind for obsidian

## Links
- <https://github.com/MarkMindLtd/obsidian-markmind>
- [GitHub](https://github.com/MarkMindLtd/obsidian-markmind)

## Related
- [coc-markmap](https://github.com/gera2ld/coc-markmap)
- [gatsby-remark-markmap](https://github.com/gera2ld/gatsby-remark-markmap)

## Features
- links
- **inline** ~~text~~ *styles*
- multiline
- `inline code`
- Katex - $x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$


You can add yaml to active outline mode:


mindmap-plugin: basic
display-mode: outline


Outline short cut

Features Short Cut
New Brother Node Enter
Indent Tab
Unindent Shift+Tab
Zoom in Ctrl/Cmd+] Or Double Click Dott
Zoom out Ctrl/Cmd+[
Move Up Or Down Node Ctrl/Cmd + up/down



You can add yaml to active table mode:


mindmap-plugin: basic
display-mode: table



In rich mode

You can use all functions of mind map .

  • add summary
  • add boundary
  • add node relate link
  • add free node

Rich mode will output this markdown:


mindmap-plugin: rich


# md 

​``` json

The mindmap data will store to json.

mindmap short cut

New Mind Map Ctrl/Cmd+P
New child node Tab
New brother node enter
Delete node Delete/Backspace
edit node Space/dblclick node
Undo Ctrl/Cmd+Z
Redo Ctrl/Cmd+Y
Quit edit node Tab
Expand node Ctrl/Cmd + /
Collapse node Ctrl/Cmd + /
Move node to another node Drag and drop node
Tab node Up/down/left/right
Zoom in/out Ctrl/Cmd + mouse wheel
Mind map to center Ctrl/Cmd + E
Change mindmap layout select node,Ctrl/Cmd + U / D / L / R / M / J / K / T / Q
delete summary / boundary / relate link Delete/Backspace

How to get markdown in rich mode ?

You can find Copy as markdown menu in more options.

How to export mindmap to image?

Use ctrl + p , execute export to html command

PDF annotate

  • highlight text
  • area annotate
  • relate mind map node and annotate

How to use pdf annotate

You need download pdf js plugin ,Open setting tab to set up pdf plugin path , for example:D:plugins/pdfjs , It is a absolute path

PC pdfjs plugin
andriod pdfjs plugin
ios pdfjs plugin

Please ensure pdfjs folder have these folders


How to set up your pdfjs plugin path?

  • download lastest pdfjs plugin ,unzip it
  • in andriod , create a andriod folder then put pdfjs folder in it
  • in ios , create a ios folder then put pdfjs folder in it
  • in pc , put pdfjs folder to .obsidian folder , in mac command+shift+. can show the hidden folder
  • ctrl/cmd + p , click set up pdfjs plugin path
  • restart obsidian and check path in obsidian markmind setting tab


The pdf js path need set separately and if it is not work above in ios , you can try filza app , it can find obsidian path


Add yaml to markdown file:


annotate-target: test/test.pdf
annotate-type: pdf


Then you can find menu annotate pdf in more options;

About screenshot folder of rect annotations

  1. you can set up folder path ( this is a relative path , pointer to folder of your vault ) to save screenshot folder of rect annotations in setting tab
  2. or you can add folder path in yaml

annotate-target: test/test.pdf
annotate-type: pdf
annotate-image-target: assets/image


short cut of pdf annoate

Features Short Cut
Highlight Yellow CTRL/CMD/ALT + Y
Highlight Green CTRL/CMD/ALT + G
Highlight Blue CTRL/CMD/ALT + B
Highlight Pink CTRL/CMD/ALT + P
Highlight Red CTRL/CMD/ALT + R
Delete annotate CTRL/CMD/ALT + Delete/Backspace

Mind Map and pdf annotate

  1. Open as mind map
  2. Use [[]] to reference pdf
  3. Click pdf reference , it will open a pdf reader if pdf plugin path is correct
  4. Use pdf annotate function
    • it will create annos file in your folder as default, the annos file store annotations data,annos file is a json file in fact
    • if you select (save pdf annotation type ) markdown in setting tab , it will create ${pdf name}-annotate.md file in your folder. Each annotation has an associated quote block with a block reference. please do not modify these blocks

How to relate mind map node and annotate?

There are three ways to relate mind map node and annotate

Default (only support rich mode)

  • make a pdf annotate
  • click pdf annotate
  • edit mind map node , ctrl/cmd + v to relate node and annotate
  • click node pdf annotate mark will auto copy id of annotate to clipboard

Support obsidian://jump-to-pdf protocol (support basic and rich mode)

  • open protocol support in setting tab
  • automatic create PDF annotation reference link and copy to clipboard when click pdf-annotate
  • paste to markdown file

If you use markdown to save pdf annotations (support basic and rich mode)

  • you can use [[${md name}#${block reference}]] to associate quote block with a block reference.
  • An obsidian link to an annotation block-reference will, when clicked, open the corresponding file and scroll to the associated highlight. If the file is already open in a pane, then the link will cause the existing pane to scroll instead.

How to import pdf highlight annotations?

see it



Change log v1.5.3

  1. fix #395
  2. add tree up layout for rich mindmap



  1. add layout for rich mindmap
  2. obsidian markmind docs



This is the first test version of markmind Obsidian supporting Obsidian 0.15.0 popout windows , and some of the features aren't working as expected in the Obsidian popouts yet

  • fix #412
  • fix #400


Discord server



  1. fix #356 , now support drag node to summary root in rich mode mindmap
  2. fix cannot delete node layout bug
  3. support batch delete nodes in rich mode , use delete/backspace key to delete node

delete nodes



  1. Support auto add to selected node or root of mind map when annotate pdf in pc , please update for this feature pc pdfjs
  2. Support drag nodes to another node , fix #304
  3. fix #312




  1. fix #280
  2. fix parse obsidian callout bug
  3. tip
    • Set color group on the settings tab to define the color of the node line , the value is like : red,orange,yellow,green,blue,#ccc,rgb(10,10,10)
    • Set node color group to define board color when click node



  1. fix #268 , fix bug of fish layout in rich mode
  2. node support parse callout of obsidian in rich mode

pdf annotator

please update pc pdfjs

the short cut change to this ( Mac can use this short cut)

Features Short Cut
Highlight Yellow CTRL/CMD/ALT + Y
Highlight Green CTRL/CMD/ALT + G
Highlight Blue CTRL/CMD/ALT + B
Highlight Pink CTRL/CMD/ALT + P
Highlight Red CTRL/CMD/ALT + R
Delete annotate CTRL/CMD/ALT + Delete/Backspace

Node support parse callout of obsidian in rich mode



PDF annotate tool

  1. support annotate http(s) , you should ensure obsidian can access to PDF file , for example
annotate-type: pdf
annotate-target: https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/legacy/web/compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf

  1. fix #253 , when export highlight of pdf , only keep color value , you can setup export pdf format in setting tab to this , then it can be use with admonition
<span style="color:rgb({{color}})">■</span>:{{highlightText}}

mindmap feature

  1. support setup layout in yaml of basic mode , for example
mindmap-plugin: basic
mindmap-layout: fish
mindmap-layout-direct: right

notice : ** keep setup value mindmap-layout and mindmap-layout-direct at the same time**

now support layout and direct

layout direct
mindmap right/left/mindmap
fish right/left
  1. support create hand drawn mode from basic mode , and support export to image but not support edit mode in hand drawn mode , this is a testing feature and this feature will apply to rich mode in future

the default hand draw font is this in style.css , load font need network

  font-family: 'myFont'; 

you can change font to your own font in style.css , for example :
(use app://local/absolute font path to load your local font , not need network)

  font-family: 'testFont'; 


下载 (1)


  1. fix #237
  2. fix #236
  3. fix mindmap scale bug
  4. support add callout in rich mode , support mobile and pc



notice : v1.3.9 has update pdfjs plugin . See detail

  1. fix #231 , you can add link variable in setting tab when export pdf annotations
<span style="color:{{color}}">■</span>:{{highlightText}} 
  1. fix #174 , it can work directly with Obsidian Extended Table plugins https://github.com/aidenlx/table-extended , when use table mode , you can find a menu get markdown of this table , click it ,then copy it to a md file , open table-extended plugin ,notice : not support wrap in table
mindmap-plugin: basic
display-mode: table
  1. list mode support parse ![[mind map md]] to a real mind map
  2. fix basic mode mind map parse ![[mind map md]] bug
table mode with table extended plugin


export pdf annotations



notice : pc pdfjs plugin need update pc pdf js plugin

pdf js plugin

  1. add a short cut ctrl + c to select text
  2. fix cannot click copy btn bug when click a annotate
  3. fix loss annotate-image-target bug when save pdf annotations
annotate-type: pdf
annotate-target: pdf/test.pdf
annotate-image-target: test/test

mind map

  1. add scale button in mind map
  2. fix #226 , you can add color variable in setting tab when export pdf annotations
<span style="color:{{color}}">■</span>:{{highlightText}} 



  1. support search mindmap node , add a menu toggle search box in more options
  2. fix #203 , support only copy pdf annotate text
  3. support micro adjustment of the height of the pdf annotate. you can add an upward or downward adjustment distance in the setting tab
  4. add a short cut alt + i to toggle create rect annotate status
  5. fix #131 , support set up folder path for image of rect annotate in yaml , this is a relative path to a folder in your vault , please update pc pdfjs plugin
annotate-type: pdf
annotate-target: pdf/test.pdf
annotate-image-target: test/test

copy text


add folder path for image of rect annotate


adjust height of annotate


search node



  1. add command to toggle version of pc pdfjs plugin in command board (ctrl + p)
  2. please update PC pdfjs plugin pc pdfjs plugin
  • support old and new version ( #197 )
  • support highlight text by use shortcut key ( alt + y/r/g/p/b )
  • fix #197
    • In rare cases, due to the problem of PDF format, there will be problems in the text selection of the new version. You can use the old version to solve them
    • Generally, please use the new version ,better experience with the new version
  1. v1.3.6 has update mobile pdfjs plugin https://github.com/MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind/releases/tag/1.3.6

pc pdfjs


  1. fix #196
  2. fix #184
  3. mobile pdfjs plugin is release , please download mobile pdfjs

notice: long touch to select text



  1. fix #159
  2. support create rich mode from basic mode , you can use ctrl + p , then you can find change basic to rich mode command
  3. import highlight annotations from pdf this function is release , you can find a menu in 'more options' when open a pdf
  4. support export pdf annotations as a format , you can find a menu in more options , you can setup format in setting tab , the default format is





  1. reconstruct PDF annotation , this is only for pc version pdfjs plugin
  2. optimize some mind mapping functions




notice : v1.3.2 pc pdf js plugin has update , pdfjs

  1. support change relate link of node , now support line/polyline/bessel curve
  2. add a theme , support for white board

mindmap-plugin: rich
mindmap-theme: whiteboard







  1. fix parse ![[mindmap md]] in table mode
  2. fix parse ![[ table mode mindmap md]] to real table in node of mindmap/markdown file
  3. fix export table mode mindmap to html
  4. fix #157
  5. support create free node , the text is ![[ file name]] when drag file of vault to rich mode,the extension support md/png/gif/jpg
  6. get markdown table added in options when in table mode

Internal test function , allow only purchased users to use

please update pc pdfjs download internal pdfjs and manual download obsidian markmind download internal ob markmind
pc pdfjs support import existing PDF highlights (in more options) , #99



Internal test function



Making table in markdown is very troublesome, so table mode is added to basic mode for make table visually

  • you can add display-mode: table in basic mode yaml
  • or you can find open as table in more options
  • support get table html code , you can find get table html in more options when in table mode
  • support enter/tab short cut , support edit text by dblclick
  • not support drag and drop , you can change node position in mindmap mode
mindmap-plugin: basic
display-mode: table




fix #152 fix #150 fix #149


  1. add a layout vertical time , the short cut is ctrl + k
  2. add a layout fish right , the short cut is ctrl + q
  3. add a layout fish left, the short cut is ctrl + t

Previous projects have been basically completed , this is plan for this year https://github.com/MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind/projects



fix parse ![[mindmap md name]] bug when node has image fix style of node


  1. fix #138
  2. fix #130
  3. fix #129 , support parse ![[mindmap md name]] to mindmap in mindmap node
  4. fix #124 , support parse ![[mindmap md name]] to mindmap in md file





  1. add more options of canvas size in setting tab
  2. optimize the logic of the pop-up node setting box
  3. support export mindmap to html , use ctrl + p , then you can find export to html command , notice :
    • not support blank link
    • not suport ![[svg/pdf/mp4]] , only support ![[png/jpg]] in node , image in mindmap must be local
    • support export mathematical formul
    • not support mobile
    • If the mind map is too large, it cannot be exported , max export size is 16384 * 16384 (px)



  • Optimize the interaction of node setting box
  • ctrl/cmd + mouse click to select nodes , not support right click
  • add set up mac pdf js plugin path
  • notice : enhancing mindmap support export mindmap to image , it will be transplanted soon


  • Right click to select nodes and left click to move the mind map
  • In rich mode , support set up node background/stroke/text color/text size,if you want to change colors of node setup board , you can input setup board color in setting tab please restart obsidian


fix v1.2.2 tab/enter bug


  1. fix #108
  2. fix #103
  3. add copy and paste command (ctrl + p ) , support copy and paste node on mind maps
  4. Optimize input, select the node, press spacebar to edit the node in append mode, and press other keys to edit in overwrite mode


Please update pdfjs plugin to v1.2.0 , the pc support epub file , the detail is there v1.2.0

fix set up pdf js plugin bug

***How to set up pdf js plugin ***

  • download lastest pdfjs plugin ,unzip it
  • in andriod , create a andriod folder then put pdfjs folder in it
  • in ios , create a ios folder then put pdfjs folder in it
  • open a mind map
  • call up command board , then you can find a set up mobile pdfjs plugin path command , click it
  • restart obsidian and check path in obsidian markmind setting tab

The pdf js path need set separately and if it is not work above in ios , you can try filza app , it can find obsidian path


Please update pdfjs plugin , pc version support epub file , mobile will support near future
PC pdfjs plugin
andrios pdfjs plugin
ios pdfjs plugin

  1. fix #87
  2. support read and annotate epub file,this is beta function

add yaml to md


annotate-target: test.epub
annotate-type: epub


then you can find annotate epub in more options

  1. fix miss $ when save data bug

  2. simplify set up mobile pdfjs plugin path

    • download lastest pdfjs plugin ,unzip it
    • in andriod , create a andriod folder then put pdfjs folder in it
    • in ios , create a ios folder then put pdfjs folder in it
    • open a mind map
    • call up command board , then you can find a set up mobile pdfjs plugin path command , click it



set up mobile pdf js plugin path



Important : ios pdfjs plugin update !

  1. fix cannot use highlight text in ios system download ios pdfjs plugin
  2. support parse code block in markdown file , you should open it in setting tab and restart obsidian

``` mindmap

# Mark mind for obsidian

## Links
- [GitHub](https://github.com/MarkMindLtd/obsidian-markmind)

## Related
- [coc-markmap](https://github.com/gera2ld/coc-markmap)
- [gatsby-remark-markmap](https://github.com/gera2ld/gatsby-remark-markmap)

## Features
- links
- **inline** ~~text~~ *styles*
- multiline
- `inline code`
- Katex - $x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$


ipad annotate



important: please update pc pdf js to v1.1.7

pc pdf js plugin

  1. support a new layout in rich mode of mind map , the short cut is Ctrl/Cmd + J
  2. support import xmind zen file in rich mode of mind map , the way is drag xmind zen file and drop to blank space of mind map in rich mode
  3. fix some times can not add/remove free node bug

This is a xmind zen demo

Import xmind zen file
note 12367133

Ctrl + J change to new layout
note 12367133tt


important: please update pc pdf js

pc pdf js plugin

  1. fix basic mode can add free node bug
  2. fix export annotate pdf in pc version



please update pc pdfjs plugin , mobile pdfjs plugin will update next version

PC pdfjs plugin

  1. fix #60 , add pdf annotate short cut
  2. fix #61
  3. fix #64
  4. fix #66
  5. mindmap node support smooth move , you shoud open it in setting tab
  6. In rich mode of mindmap , double click the blank space can add free node
  7. fix #57
pdf annotate Features Short Cut
Highlight Yellow ALT + Y
Highlight Green ALT + G
Highlight Blue ALT + B
Highlight Pink ALT + P
Highlight Red ALT + R
Delete annotate ALT + Delete/Backspace

note 1236


Please update pdfjs plugin to v1.1.1 version

PC : PC pdfjs plugin
Andriod Andriod pdf js plugin
iPhone/iPad : iPhone/iPad pdf js plugin

  1. support add note to mind map node in rich mode , note support markdown
  2. summary node support add child node
  3. (ctrl + p) add a command get base path of vault , it will auto copy to clipboard




fix delete summary bug when edit node use backspace/delete key


fix #54
fix #28
fix miss code and link bug in outline mode


fix #46
add set mindmap to center menu in more options


Mobile pdf js plugin need to download again

PC: PC pdfjs plugin
Andriod Andriod pdf js plugin
iPhone/iPad : iPhone/iPad pdf js plugin

  1. fix iPhone/iPad cannot use pdf annotate bug

Please set up pdfjs path in setting tab , this is a absolute path ,( you can find absolute path of your vault in obsidian app ) the best way is create a folder in your vault , for example :plugin folder, then put pdfjs plugin in it

About iPhone/iPad pdfjs path: for example (iPad), you create plugin folder in your vault , then put pdfjs plugin into it , the path will like this

FACF6387-DAA2-45B3-8F52-3536E1EC29A1 are different on each device

About andriod pdfjs path,like this

About PC pdfjs path,like this


iPad screen short 68747470733a2f2f692e6c6f6c692e6e65742f323032312f31302f31312f3431557933536d756a4b723835515a2e706e67


Important In this version ,You should download pdfjs plugin again

PC : Pdf js plugin
Andriod Andriod pdf js plugin
iPhone/iPad : iPhone/iPad pdf js plugin

You should set up pdf js plugin path in setting tab , it is a absolute path
For example :

  • D:plugins/pdfjs in pc
  • /storage/emulated/0/Documents/obsidian/obsidian/plugin/pdfjs in andriod

you should put pdfjs plugin to a accessible folder in mobile . you can find your vault path in mobile app , the best way is create a folder(for example plugin folder) in your vault , then put pdfjs plugin in it.

  1. fix #40 , you can select mode of mindmap (when create mindmap) in setting tab , the default is basic

  2. pdf annotate support mobile , only support pdf of your vault , not support file://

  3. in md file , support use [[md#^node id]] to reference node of rich mode mindmap , you can find menu copy node id in more options

  4. support set up image folder in setting tab to save image of pdf rect annotate .

    • for example : Screenshot , the Screenshot folder must be exists in your vault, the image of rect annotate will be save to Screenshot folder
  5. fix when annotate file:// pdf path cannot use rect annotate bug

  6. support 3 theme of mindmap , you can add yaml to markdown


mindmap-plugin: basic( or rich )
mindmap-theme: dark(or light or card)  


Markmind all functions will support mobile and pc from this version ,andriod/apple/window/linux has consistent experience.



this is a big version

  1. fix #4 , pdf annotate support all pdf files on disks by using file:// ,this feature can only use to desktop app , if you use file:// , the annotatios will be save to this markdown file
annotate-target: file://pdf absolute path
annotate-type: pdf

  1. fix #29 , support mobile from this version, it has consistent experience with desktop version

  2. add command :

  • select node , change layout in rich mode of mindmap
  • toggle markdown and mindmap mode
  • add some menus of more options in rich mode of mindmap ,(copy text to clipboard automatic)
    • Copy node text as markdown (contains children),the text type like basic mode
    • Copy node text (only this node)
    • Copy node links , you can reference it in other md file
  1. support change summary/boundary/relate link color
  2. if you set up active code in setting tab of desktop version , it will create mobile active code in your plugin obsidian-markmind data.json automatic
  3. support move root of mindmap in rich mode



fix #26
fix miss markdown format in list mode when use ctrl + down / up


fix #24 , fix pdf select multi line to highlight , this problem is caused by pdf plugin

Important: You should to download the pdfjs plugin again PDFJS Plugin, it keep more functions and it support multi open
PC : Pdf js plugin
Andriod Andriod pdf js plugin
iPhone/iPad : iPhone/iPad pdf js plugin


emergency fix #22
emergency fix #21


emergency fix mindmap rich mode bug


This is a big version: Notice: You should to download the pdfjs plugin PDFJS Plugin, it keep more functions and it support multi open

1, fix #18 , you can select pdf viewer theme in setting tab
2. fix #17
3. fix #15
4. fix #8
5. Support multi open pdf annotate
6. support add comment to annotation
7. support committing highlights and notes to PDFs ,you can find export pdf annotate menu in more menus , it will create a file in your folder,the name is ${pdf name}-annotate.pdf
8. Split PDF annotation and mindmap function
9. change in basic mode , mind map layout from tree to mind map
10. fix #2 , in rich mode

  • if save data first time , it will output this markdown
  • if it is not the first time to save data , it will only replace '${mindmap data}', so you can change md file
  • if you want to reference node , it will automatic create mind map node reference link and copy to clipboard when click node and press ctrl or command
mindmap-plugin: rich

# title
``` json
  ${mindmap data}

The use type of PDF annotation has changed , if you want to use annotate function, you can add yaml to markdown file:


annotate-target: test/test.pdf
annotate-type: pdf


then you can find annotate pdf menu in more menus

  1. you can select md or annos to save annotations in setting tab
  • annos is default , it is json file in fact , you can use obsidian://jump-to-pdf to reference annotate ,
    • annotations do not contaminate MD files When referenced
  • md is the recommended way
    • you can use obsidian://jump-to-pdf to reference annotate
    • or you can ![[ md#^block id]] to to reference annotate
  1. please open obsidian://jump-to-pdf protocol in setting tab