Mark Callow
Mark Callow
I have tried modifying `toktx` to use OpenImageIO for reading images. The large numbers of dependencies it has is proving intractable. I have had many issues getting all these packages...
> Yeah, I didn't meant to imply OIIO should be integrated into KTX-Software. FWIW I never thought you were. > I'd be happy enough to see OIIO support something like...
Such assertions are intended to catch internal errors and that appears to be what has happened here. Two pieces of data in the ktxTexture2 struct do not agree with each...
> I can't, unfortunately. That's a shame. > I'll try to step through ktxTexture2_CompressBasisEx to see why it doesn't set the flag now that I know what the intended behaviour...
> is ktxTexture2_CompressBasisEx supposed to set the flag at the end or does it call some other function that's supposed to set it? Yes. Turns out the problematic call to...
I've just been working on toktx. In this case VS2017 presents an absurd list of out-of-date projects: - mkvkformatfiles - makevkswitch - makedfd2vk - ktx_version - toktx_version - toktx
The bug in VS 2019 that prevented us using it has been fixed. It provides a warning that helps explain the out of date version files. It is looking in...
Thanks @solidpixel that is good to know. The person who gave me the information I wrote above had tried various block unpackers and was reporting his observations. Not sure if...
I think you'd be better off filing this at Binomial's [basis_universal]( repo.
There is an [open request]( in the basis_universal repo to optimize for angular difference for normal maps.