Let's say, for example: without of this flag it's can't start asyncwebserver on 80 port after wifimanager(also on 80) is shutdowned. But wifimanager still may be started, because in "WiFiServer.cpp"...
It will be great if someone may create corpus for detection of Sonix 8bit chips. Seems it can be licensed and used with different names. Reversed python implementation of official...
Example: ```c++ char abc[] = "test str"; void __attribute__((naked)) func() { __asm { push offset abc } } ``` I trying compile it with ```clang++ test.cpp -masm=intel -fasm-blocks``` If I...
I just trying to play some random tracks from media folder with some OST's, so I press "Start Radio" button in needed directory. But sometimes it's gives "Playback list is...
Fix it with one of: 1. Add all units of close sectors to test (easy but costs compute power) 2. Make lists of transient units for sectors (hard to manage)
Ormu: 1) it doesn't run in real time, I think it's a little bit faster. So if you use a stopwatch, you will get different result. At least part of...