fast-ui copied to clipboard
代码拉下来运行不起来 报错
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
Smartphone (please complete the following information):
- Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
- OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
- Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
File was processed with these loaders:
- ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders
@lyh0371 由于项目是在2020年8月份左右搭建的,当时相关插件还不稳定。初步判断可能是由于 @ant-design-vue/babel-plugin-jsx
插件导致的。目前正在迁移到vite。如果想使用tsx的格式开发vue3.0,可以参考下 ant-design-vue 的配置。