BetterTextInputLayout icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BetterTextInputLayout copied to clipboard

Improved Android's TextInputLayout


BetterTextInputLayout is Android's Jetpack library's TextInputLayout subclass providing following extensions:

  • adds methods to manipulate password visibility from code,
  • comes with passwordToggleEnabled enabled by default.


  • showPassword()
  • hidePassword()
  • togglePassword()

Names should be pretty self-explanatory :) See demo app for usage example though.


Edit your master file and add maven { url '' } to your current repositories block content (if you use other jitpack hosted libraries, then this step can be skipped):

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Next, edit your module's build.gradle and the following dependency:

compile 'com.github.MarcinOrlowski:bettertextinputlayout:<VERSION>'

For recent value of <VERSION> consult library releases or jitpack badge: Release


  • Marcin Orlowski <mail(#)>