twitch-spotify-request-bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
twitch-spotify-request-bot copied to clipboard

This is a bot that listens to the chat of a given Twitch stream for messages with a Spotify song link in them and then adds that song to a playlist and/or your queue.

Twitch Spotify Request Bot

What is this?

This is a bot that listens to the chat of a given Twitch stream for messages with a Spotify song link in them and then adds that song to a playlist and/or your queue. The Spotify link must be at the start of the message in order to be picked up.

✔️ Message that WOULD be picked up:

!prefix pls play this, it's a bop

❌ Message that WOULD NOT be picked up:

!prefix this is a bop can you please play this



  • Some basic programming knowledge (running terminal commands and editing .env files)
  • Node (developed and tested on 18 - your mileage may vary on other versions)
  • A Spotify account
  • A GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with the read:packages scope stored in an environment variable called GH_PKG_AUTH_TOKEN - Click here to generate one


  1. Run npm install

  2. Go to the Spotify developer dashboard and create a new application. The app can have whatever name and description you want

  3. Once the app is created, click on Edit Settings and add a redirect URL of http://localhost:8000/spotifyAuth (NB: the port will be whatever you have set as the AUTH_SERVER_PORT in the ./.env file, by default it is 8000)

  4. Create a ./.env file based on ./.env.template file and fill in the fields

    • The playlist ID can be found by either:

      • Right-clicking on the playlist -> clicking Share -> Copy Spotify URI and then copying the ID after spotify:playlist: e.g. spotify:playlist:{THIS_STRING_IS_THE_ID})
      • Or by right-clicking on the playlist -> clicking Share -> Copy Link to Playlist and then copying the ID after and before the ?si= e.g.{THIS_STRING_IS_THE_ID}?si=12345123)
    • The Spotify client ID and secret are obtained from the application you created in the Spotify developer dashboard

    • If you wish to have chat feedback, set CHAT_FEEDBACK to true then generate a Twitch Chat OAuth Token and set it as the TWITCH_TOKEN field in the .env file. Also set the BOT_USERNAME field to the name of the account you wish to use (must be the same account you generate the OAuth token for)

      	**Do NOT commit this file to Git as it will contain SECRETS to log in as you!**
  5. Run npm run build && npm start to start the bot

  6. Open the authorization link and give the app the required permissions

  7. If you have ADD_TO_QUEUE toggled on, ensure you have the Spotify client open and that it is active (i.e. is playing a song)

  8. Type a Spotify link in the chat (ensuring the link is the first piece of text in the message) and make sure it shows up in your desired playlist (Spotify links should start with

  9. If there's a problem with Spotify authorization at any point, try deleting the spotify-auth-store.json file and starting the app again

(Optional) Generating a binary file

  1. Run bash ./ This will automatically compile from source using npm and then build OS-native binaries using pkg

  2. Run the freshly compiled binary for your OS in ./out.

Open Source Libraries Used

Spotify Web API Node

Used for connecting to and performing actions using Spotify

MIT License


Used for connecting to Twitch chat

MIT License


Used for creating a temporary local web server to retrieve the callback from the Spotify authorization

MIT License

Material Design Icons

Used for the icon

Apache 2 License


Checkout the Contributors file to see everyone who has helped out with the bot