say.js copied to clipboard
Troubleshooting in Windows 7
Succesfully installed in Windows 7. When running the example code (without the export part, of course), I get no sound. I see that in the windows volume mixer (see image below) a couple of "Windows power shell" volume scrollers appear but they disappear after a second, and I get the "text has been spoken" callback in the console, so no errors.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Can you manually create and run some speak commands using Powershell and let me know if it's audible? I'm unfamiliar with Windows and can't provide more details, unfortunately.
Hi! Thanks for your reply. I tried running this script on Powershell and it worked fine:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech
$speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
$speak.Speak('Hello...I am Arun')
Any ideas? Thanks!
I just tried replacing in your script the argument in $speak.Speak(\'[Console]::In.ReadToEnd()\')
to just speak a random string, and it works well. Seems like the problem comes from the \'[Console]::In.ReadToEnd()\'
. What is that supposed to do?
Sorry, @juancadavid, but I'm going to have to close this as cannot reproduce. Others are able to use this on Windows as well. If you are able to reproduce and can get more details on why it works please reopen a new issue.
I had the same problem.I find the childprocess.spawn is not executed in windows7.But I haven't find out the reason.Who know?
I update the powershell from 2.0 to 5.1。The sound has been out。
@jupanSH does the sound work correctly?
@juancadavid can you upgrade your version of Powershell and let us know if it resolves your issue?
MY win7 is not win7 SP1 system,and the powershell version is 2.0.Firstly I update my system to SP1 ,then install .Net framework required by powershell 5.1.Last I can use say.js to speak the text correctly after poweshell 5.1 had been installed.
Awesome, good to hear. I'll update the documentation to specify the minimum version of powershell.
Just for the record, installing PowerShell 5.1 also fixed the problem for me. However on Windows 7, one thing that the provided examples assume when running the different voices code is that we are on Windows 10 I guess, as David and Zara are W10 voices, but on Windows 7 the only available is Anna. Other than that, working really nice. PD: Also that example plays one text on top of the other. Shouldn't it provide an example on how to wait until the previous text is over and then play the new one?