DAIN-Vulkan-GUI icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DAIN-Vulkan-GUI copied to clipboard

AI-Powered video interpolater (eg. 30fps -> 60fps) for Vulkan devices. Based on dain-ncnn-vulkan and ffmpeg


AI-Powered video interpolater (eg. 30fps -> 60fps) for Vulkan devices. Based on dain-ncnn-vulkan and ffmpeg

WIP Software so expect bugs, GUI soon™


Windows Linux Google Colab
windows linux colab


Windows: .\DAINVulkanCLI.exe -i "C:\Users\example\Videos\test.mp4" --output-folder "C:\Users\example\Videos\DainFolder"

Linux: ./DAINVulkanCLI -i "/home/example/Videos/test.mp4" --output-folder "/home/example/Videos/DainFolder"


  • Static frame interpolation
  • Dain-ncnn: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, etc. Multiplier-target
  • Cain-ncnn, Rife-ncnn: 2x, 4x, 8x, etc. Multiplier-target
  • Multi-threading (-j)
  • Multi-gpu (-g)
  • Dynamic interpolation (dain-ncnn) (duplicate frames are interpolated)
  • Dynamic 1x mode (framerate stays the same, duplicate frames are replaced with interpolations)


  • Dynamic interpolation (cain-ncnn, RIFE)
  • Perfect loop (Last frame leads into the first)
  • Framerate-target
  • Slow-mo mode (framerate stays the same, video is slowed down via interpolation)

Needs to be fixed by Dain-ncnn author

  • Tiles don't overlap (artifacting when using tiles)
  • Transparency (glitchy output currently)
  • "vkWaitForFences failed" error when using large tilesizes on Windows


The program can be set to process two frames at once (-j 1:2:2). This allows for the GPU to be used almost 100% of the time instead of pausing everytime a frame needs to be saved/loaded which gives a very slight speed increase. The downside however is that two frames will be in memory at once so a lower tile size will be needed if there isn't enough VRAM.

Tiles are used by default which can slow down processing. Using a tilesize that's equal to or bigger then the video's resolution will disable tiles and process the frame all at once. Eg. 720p = 1280x720 so use -t 1280


"vkQueueSubmit failed" and "vkAllocateMemory failed" happens when there isn't enough VRAM for the current frame. Use a lower tile size or downscale the video.

Help message

                        [--delete-output-folder] [-m INTERPOLATION_MODE]
                        [-x FRAME_MULTIPLIER] [--target-fps TARGET_FPS]
                        [-e INTERPOLATOR_ENGINE] [--loop-video]
                        [--duplicate-auto-delete DUPLICATE_AUTO_DELETE]
                        [-g GPU_ID] [-t TILE_SIZE] [-j THREADS]
                        [--steps STEPS] [--video-type VIDEO_TYPE]
                        [--copy-mtime] [--input-fps INPUT_FPS] [--verbose]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        Path to input video
                        Folder to output work to
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Path to copy final video to (can be directory or file
                        Delete output folder at the end, intended to be used
                        with --output-file
                        Interpolation type (static/dynamic, default=static)
                        Frame multiplier 2x,3x,etc (default=2)
  --target-fps TARGET_FPS
                        Calculates frame multiplier based on a target
                        Pick interpolator: dain-ncnn, cain-ncnn, rife-ncnn
  --loop-video          [Unimplemented] Interpolates video as a loop (last
                        frame leads into the first)
  --duplicate-auto-delete DUPLICATE_AUTO_DELETE
                        Based on a percentage (Eg. 0.95) will delete any
                        frames found to be more similar
  -g GPU_ID, --gpu-id GPU_ID
                        GPU to use (default=auto) can be 0,1,2 for multi-gpu
  -t TILE_SIZE, --tile-size TILE_SIZE
                        Tile size (>=128, default=256) must be multiple of 32,
                        can be 256,256,128 for multi-gpu
  -j THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Thread count for load/process/save (default=1:2:2) can
                        be 1:2,2,2:2 for multi-gpu
  --steps STEPS         If specified only run certain steps 1,2,3 (eg. 1,2 for
                        1 & 2 only)
  --video-type VIDEO_TYPE
                        Video type for output video eg. mp4, webm, mkv
  --copy-mtime          Copy the modified timestamp to output
  --input-fps INPUT_FPS
                        Manually specify framerate of input video
  --verbose             Print additional info to the commandline
  --debug               Print debug messages to the commandline


Interpolation programs that this project is a wrapper for:

  • https://github.com/nihui/dain-ncnn-vulkan
  • https://github.com/nihui/cain-ncnn-vulkan
  • https://github.com/nihui/rife-ncnn-vulkan
  • https://github.com/hzwer/arXiv2020-RIFE

All in one program for video decoding/encoding:

  • https://ffmpeg.org/