Laravel-Permission-Manager copied to clipboard
Create and manage all your permissions and routes using the user interface | PACKAGE
LaravelPermissionManager - It is a modern and dynamic permission management system based on Bouncer.
If you need to speed up project development, and you need to use permissions and roles in your project,
This package is perfect for you.
Install PermissionManager with composer:
$ composer require manukminasyan/laravel-permission-manager
The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file:
'providers' => [
// ...
You can publish all the necessary files with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ManukMinasyan\LaravelPermissionManager\LaravelPermissionManagerServiceProvider"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
'database' => [
'option_table' => 'permission_manager_options',
'model_table' => 'permission_manager_models',
'group_table' => 'permission_manager_groups',
'route_table' => 'permission_manager_routes',
'route_permission_table' => 'permission_manager_route_permission'
'user_model' => \App\User::class,
'middleware' => [
'web', 'auth'
'route' => 'permission-manager'
Add Bouncer's trait to your user model:
use Silber\Bouncer\Database\HasRolesAndAbilities;
class User extends Model
use HasRolesAndAbilities;
Finally, run the migrations:
php artisan migrate
Congratulations, you have successfully set up the project. You can access the permission manager control panel using the URI "/permission-manager".
Important information
The development of the package is not complete fully. you can install and evaluate my work. Thanks