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This repository contains data visualizations based on RKI and DIVI using
This repository contains data visualizations based on RKI and DIVI using
Newest Simulation: Germany BY, NI, NW, RP, MV, SN, ST, TH, SH, HH, BR, BB, BE, BW, SR 2020-03-31 50% of ICU beds for COVID-19 with age distribution
The covid-19-vis project is a simulation and visualization project that predicts when the intense care unit (ICU) bed capacity of a certain region will be reached. It connects best in class software projects (, with most recent data from John Hopkins University, Robert-Koch-Institut, DIVI Intensivregister and the federal statistical office of Germany. The ICU capacity data was exclusively released for this project and is available in the following folder The collection process for this data is still running.
A recent video that compares two scenarios on YouTube received ~6.000 views in the last 4 days. The author also released a how-to video that explains how to create an own simulation e.g. for another country.
The simulation results can directly be read from GitHub into
The author created a website that can be used to generate files that can be used in to visualize Corona spread. Go on the website and click on the G in the upper left corner. This will generate a file named Covid19Data.geojson
With the following links you can explore the data for yourself:
- Timelapse for World Wide Spread
- Timelapse for World Wide Spread including 6 month simulation
- Germany's counties (Kreise) 2020-03-20 with confirmed covid-19 cases per 100.000 inhabitans
- Germany's Kreise with hospitals
- Germany NW and RP 2020-03-23 20% of ICU beds for COVID-19
- Germany NW and RP 2020-03-23 20% of ICU beds for COVID-19 with age distribution
- Germany Simulation for all Districts Dowload, Unzip and Paste this file.
- Mapped data from DIVI Intensivregister
- Germany current COVID-19 occupied beds potential beds in next 24 hours
- Germany NW, RP, MV, SN, ST, TH, SH, HH, BR, BB, BE, BW, SR 2020-03-25 50% of ICU beds for COVID-19 with age distribution with DIVI real time capacity
- Germany NW, RP, MV, SN, ST, TH, SH, HH, BR, BB, BE, BW, SR 2020-03-26 50% of ICU beds for COVID-19 with age distribution with DIVI real time capacity
- Germany NW, RP, MV, SN, ST, TH, SH, HH, BR, BB, BE, BW, SR 2020-03-27 50% of ICU beds for COVID-19 with age distribution with DIVI real time capacity
- Germany BY, NI, NW, RP, MV, SN, ST, TH, SH, HH, BR, BB, BE, BW, SR 2020-03-31 50% of ICU beds for COVID-19 with age distribution
- COVID-19 spread across the world visualized with
- Simulation der COVID-19 benötigten ICU Betten in Deutschland in den nächsten 6 Monaten
- COVID 19 Simulation, wann sind die Deutschen Krankenhäuser voll
The interactive website (GitHub Page) can be found here: