I'll add a torrent in the next release whenever that is. If I added one now there would be no seeds.
Could not find any other regex errors. Other checked issues addressed in #162
Did you try the latest version?
Showing both is not supported. You can easily modify the source and compile your own version that does this though.
Compile it in VisualStudio and replace the old heightbar dll inside bepinex\plugins folder with the one you made.
Related to #10 This is something on my to do list. IMGUI windows do not natively support scaling, which creates issues with very large or small resolutions as you can...
I'm not planning to work on the feature but anyone can send a PR with it and I'll be sure to merge it.
Make sure to clone the whole repository and use the correct unity editor version.
I don't have that headset or anything similar so I can't really do much to fix it. I accept PRs if anyone is able to find a fix though.