Hi @liu6381810 , Sorry I don't have a solution to your problem but I have also been trying to train the network to my dataset and receive the following error....
@liu6381810 , Thanks for the quick reply! I have changed it actually. I ran the following python file '' with the following changes: data = XML_preprocessor('C:/Users/in0131/Downloads/data(1)/VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Annotations/').data pickle.dump(data,open('VOC2007.p','wb')) In SSD_training, I...
@liu6381810 'VOC2007.p' doesn't have it. The original pickle file 'gt_pascal.pkl' has it. But when I have loaded gt the following way in the code: gt = pickle.load(open('VOC2007.p', 'rb')). Why is...
@liu6381810 I guess there was some issue with the pickle file. I started freshly and ran the code again. It is training now(I am running in CPU, going to take...
@liu6381810 , so basically, these lines of code below will create a .hdf5 file which stores the new weights in a new folder 'checkpoints'. Did I get that part right?...
@liu6381810 Thanks a lot! I will create a checkpoints directory. And do we have to change the file 'prior_boxes_ssd300.pkl' for custom datasets? Any idea what it actually contains and does?
@D3lt4lph4, I guess I don't have to change it. Thanks a lot!
@liu6381810 @D3lt4lph4 , The training got completed and saved the new weights successfully! Thanks a lot for your help. It works on but when I run it on images,...
@Walid-Ahmed, Sorry but I have not added any layer. I just trained the same network again on PASCAL VOC data.
@Walid-Ahmed , Thanks for your reply. I receive this error when I use the provided weights and also when I use my weights(after training). I assumed the training is not...