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TypingAid suggestions list is not following Text select cursor.

Open sobuj53 opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Hello, This is a great piece of software for making my daily life more easier. However I've seen a shortcoming that is, the word suggestion list follows mouse cursor position instead of text select curser position. This create suggestions list popping up in odd places rather than where it really should be. I noticed this behavior is not present in word processing software like MS word, but in other applications it creates a lot of confusion.

See the below image, issue 1 issues

issue 2 issue2

I think typingAid is trying to follow mouse cursor position instead of text select cursor position. I'd really appreciate if you could try to change this behavior and make is more user friendly.

Thank your time and consideration.

sobuj53 avatar Sep 27 '20 07:09 sobuj53

If TypingAid cannot detect the caret position, it will open the word list on your mouse. Some programs, such as many web browsers, do not properly report the caret position, so TypingAid cannot draw the word list there.

ManiacDC avatar Sep 28 '20 11:09 ManiacDC

Also, the version of AHK being used with TypingAid is really old (from 2015). You could try downloading the source code and running it with a newer version of AHK, but I'm not sure it will help (also, it's untested with TypingAid).

ManiacDC avatar Sep 28 '20 11:09 ManiacDC

Also, the version of AHK being used with TypingAid is really old (from 2015). You could try downloading the source code and running it with a newer version of AHK, but I'm not sure it will help (also, it's untested with TypingAid).

I'm however running latest AHK, but modifying TypingAid is beyond my capabilities, I've tried to add few changes like simple

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. but loading script fails due to this 🗡️ . I just hope you still have love for this great piece of art and will try to fix few issue if your time permits, that's all. Thank you for your time and reply.

sobuj53 avatar Sep 28 '20 14:09 sobuj53

Unfortunately, as mentioned, this isn't a problem with TypingAid or AHK, it's a problem with the applications you are using.

There might be a way to make TypingAid work, if someone wants to play with it, feel free to try using the accessibility library from this thread: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=67923

Basically, if you can't get the cursor the normal way, try falling back to the accessibility library. Might work.

ManiacDC avatar Sep 28 '20 15:09 ManiacDC