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Allow a way to quickly switch between different wordlists
From Mulleflupp:
Since I am working in the translation business, I am writing often in different languages and I needed a way to quickly switch word lists based on the language I am going to use so I added a feature to select your word list:
^!+t:: ;~ keyboard hotkey to quickly switch word lists
Loop, %A_ScriptDir%\WordList_*.txt ;~ Parse all files in the script directory that start with "Wordlist_" and have the file extension ".txt"
AvailableWordLists .= A_LoopFileName . "|"
Rows = %A_Index%
;~ Display a very simply GUI with a list box where you can choose from available word lists
Gui, SWL:New, AlwaysOnTop Border -SysMenu, Select Wordlist:
Gui, SWL:Add, Listbox, r%Rows% Sort Choose1 vSelectedWordList, %AvailableWordLists%
Gui, SWL:Add, Button, Hidden Default vButtonOK, OK
Gui, SWL:Show, AutoSize
Gui, SWL:Destroy
Gui, SWL:Submit
FileCopy, %A_ScriptDir%\%SelectedWordList%, %A_ScriptDir%\Wordlist.txt, 1 ;~ Replace "Wordlist.txt" by selected word list and reload script
Guess this could be better implemented in the code without the complete reloading of the script, but I didn't have time to dig in so deep at the moment.
Additionally, it would be nice to allow the wordlists to automatically switch based on the program it's currently being used in (context-sensitive wordlists):
Additionally, it should be noted that more than one wordlist should be allowed per program based on: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/49517-ahk-11typingaid-v2199-word-autocompletion-utility/page-52#entry694546
Also, should certain preferences be configurable per wordlist as well? or per application? See: https://github.com/ManiacDC/TypingAid/issues/72
I still think there is a use case for command line options because starting a session in a pre-defined way one day, and a different way another is easier than remembering to switch settings/wordlists and knowing which settings or wordlists you are in at the time.
I can see that. However, my ultimate plan is to make the wordlist in use to be context-sensitive. No manual switching needed. You just set up your rules and forget it.
Sounds like a plan. If one of those rules is: "I'm starting this session from this PC on this day with this username so use that Wordlist.txt" then we are on a winner :-)
From my simple perspective I thought implementing a couple of command line args would be a quick fix, but I just checked out the source and it looks this this is all built with AutoHotKey scripts - wow... and I have no idea how easy AHK can read the command line.
Hmm looks like this might read the command line:
; assume -w fileName.txt Loop, %0% { ;for each command line parameter If (%A_Index% = "-w") ;check for -w wordListFileName := A_Index + 1 ;assign next command line parameter as value wordListFileName := %wordListFileName% }
I think I now need to spend some time looking into this code to see what I can do with it :-)
However, my ultimate plan is to make the wordlist in use to be context-sensitive. ... You just set up your rules and forget it.
I vote for an implementation such as this. Just throwing my $.02 at ya. ;) (akh coder here)