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Tools for accessing Maluuba's Travel Dialogue Dataset

Frames Dataset Evaluation

The repository contains the code used to produce the evaluation of the Frametracking model in A Frame Tracking Model for Memory-Enhanced Dialogue Systems by Hannes Schulz, Jeremie Zumer, Layla El Asri, and Shikhar Sharma.


You should first download the Maluuba Frames dataset (Link, Backup Link).

Clone the repository with

$ git clone

then install the package and its dependencies using

$ cd frames
$ pip install -U -e .

If you're inside a virtual environment or a conda environment, you can leave out the -U.


To compute accuracy, you should use

$ frametracking-evaluate eval FRAMES_JSON PREDICTION_JSON FOLD

where FRAMES_JSON is the file downloaded from the Maluuba website, PREDICTION_JSON contains your predictions, and FOLD is an integer between 1 and 10 (inclusive). A fold is a split of the dataset corresponding to the dialogues of a subset of the users.

See below for how to obtain the dialogues for a specific fold.

Refer to the description below for the required format of the predictions.

Finegrained Evaluation on Subtasks

The frametracking-tagger script allows you to tag turns in dialogues of the dataset, resulting in a more fine-grained evaluation. An example bash script is provided that tags some important categories. See below on how to use the frametracking-tagger.

Obtaining Train Test Split for Each Fold

The proposed evaluation scheme is to train on 9 of the folds and evaluate on the remaining one. The folds are split up by user, so you can get the training and validation sets as follows:

import json
from frames.utils import get_users_for_fold

with open("data/frames.json") as f:
    dialogues = json.load(f)

fold = 1
test_users = get_users_for_fold(fold)
train_users = get_users_for_fold(-fold)

train_dialogues = [d for d in dialogues if d['user_id'] in train_users]
test_dialogues = [d for d in dialogues if d['user_id'] in test_users]

You can get general info about a fold (number of dialogues, turns, and which users are in it) by running

$ frametracking-evaluate foldinfo FRAMES_JSON

Predictions Format

For every dialogue d turn t, dialogue[d]['turns'][t], there is a field called acts_without_labels. This contains a list of acts, e.g.


in a JSON representation. Note that you can use key_value_pairs() from to iterate over the JSON representation.

The evaluation script expects a file which has the same dialogue/turn structure, with an additional turn field predictions. This field has the same acts and the same arguments in the same order as acts_without_labels, with references added. There are two types of frame references, the slot-based and the act-based ones. For the example above, the expected format would be:

{'act': 'request',
 'args': [
   { 'key': 'ref',
     'val': [
       {'frame': XXXX,
        'annotations': [
          {'key': 'dst_city',
           'val': 'NY'}]}]},
   { 'key': 'ref',
     'val': [
      {'frame': YYYY}]}]}

The frames are the F frames from the previous turn (t-1), dialogues[i]['turns'][t-1]['frames'], plus a potential new frame the user might have created. For turn 0, we assume frame 1 already exists. Thus,

  • XXXX is list of floats, representing a multinomial distribution over the F+1 frames described above, and
  • YYYY is list of floats, representing one binomial distribution for every one of the F+1 frames described above

Dataset Filtering, Inspection and Tagging

The tagging script allows to select a subset of the turns or acts based on various criteria. All criteria have to match for a turn/act to be counted/tagged.

For example,

$ frametracking-tagger frames.json author user active-frame-changed has-act switch_frame prnt

prints all user acts where the active frame has been changed and a switch_frame act is present. For all available filters, formatting options, etc, see

frametracking-tagger --help   # and the documentation of the subcommands,
frametracking-tagger prnt --help   # etc.