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O-1PPT Firmware still getting 400 bad request errors on upload to Airgradiant
Just wanted to let you know, the 400 errors continue, it doesn't appear to be reporting to the airgradient API successfully. I also will note, my machine has not emitted an AQI category ( in over a week. I suspect these may be related, somehow, but I've seen nothing in the logs to point to a problem.
Happy to help debug in any way I can.
Thanks, Jay
[01:50:13][W][http_request:093]: HTTP Request failed; URL:; Code: 400; Duration: 1185 ms
I got my tabs mixed up, somehow thought I was looking at your code there. I may add support for this :).
Sorry for the noise!
Is my proof of concept for supporting this if you want. It's tested working on my machine. I'm not PRing it because:
- I don't know if you expect this project to be english-only
- I don't know if you want this to be optional or not.
You can feel free to take this code an integrate it yourself, tell me to keep using it downstream for myself, or answer those two questions (I have no idea how to solve it if the answer to question 1 is internationalization) and I'll be happy to PR it.
- platform: template
name: "PM 2.5 AQI Category"
id: pm_2_5_aqi_category
update_interval: 5 min
icon: "mdi:air-filter"
# AQI Categories are documented at:
lambda: |-
if (id(pm_2_5_aqi).state <= 50.0) {
return (std::string) "Good";
} else if (id(pm_2_5_aqi).state <= 100.0) {
return (std::string) "Moderate";
} else if (id(pm_2_5_aqi).state <= 150.0) {
return (std::string) "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups";
} else if (id(pm_2_5_aqi).state <= 200.0) {
return (std::string) "Unhealthy";
} else if (id(pm_2_5_aqi).state <= 300.0) {
return (std::string) "Very Unhealthy";
} else {
return (std::string) "Hazardous";
aside: the previously-mentioned "400 errors connecting to airgradient" is still valid, I just closed the ticket out of embarassment when I realized I was reading one set of code and running another my first time around :)
Thank you. I'll take a look when I have some time to focus on it and see about adding it as another Package.
I'll note I found a bug in that code, I have to also check for NaN and return "Unknown" in that case (or else on startup you get a couple of Hazardous readings reported before it has data).
This may help with the NaN status you mentioned:
- if:
lambda: 'return (isnan(id(voc).state));' # No data from sensor yet
A new package file has been added today that calculates Nowcast and AQI including the Category. You may check that out. sensor_nowcast_aqi.yaml
If there is further discussion about that specific topic, please make a new Issue to continue there.