Daniel Mallorga
Daniel Mallorga
There are some existing `searchPath` scenarios already added in [SearchPathRegressionTests](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase-pro-tests/blob/master/src/test/java/tests/regression/searchPath/SearchPathRegressionTests.java), but there some other from the requested ones here are not. We have created this [ticket](https://datical.atlassian.net/browse/DAT-16342) (internal) to keep track...
Hi @CG49071, Thank you for submitting this issue. Could you please confirm if this just started failing in 4.25? Thanks, Daniel.
Hi @CG49071, Sorry, what I meant is if you were also able to see this same issue on an early version, or if you just started seeing it in 4.25....
Hi @CG49071, Awesome, we will let you know if we have any questions. Thanks, Daniel.
Hi @mtagliaf, I found this behaviour has been introduced with #4202. Just out of curiosity the diff you are executing is it a `liquibase diff` command or are you using...
Hi @SabeetaBhandari, Could you please do us a favor by trying to reproduce this issue using the branch of #5727? We think it could fix this issue. Thanks, Daniel.
Hi @sta-szek, I was thinking we could update the finally block from `liquibase.command.core.AbstractUpdateCommandStep#run` to something like this: ``` try { LockService lockService = LockServiceFactory.getInstance().getLockService(database); if(isDBLocked && lockService.hasChangeLogLock()) { lockService.releaseLock(); }...
Hi @sta-szek, Oh, I see. Would you like me to push the change I suggested in my previous comment so that way we can see if that helps?
Hi @mattjudge, Looking at the changelog provided in the "steps to reproduce" it shows you are using `http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-4.9.xsd`. Can you try using `http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-latest.xsd` instead? Thanks, Daniel.
Hi @Guschtel, Code changes look good to me. The only thing I would ask is whether it's possible to instead of creating a Java class for tests we do it...