img2dds copied to clipboard
Application to convert easily image to dxt texture
Convert your images into dds texture files and test it into a threejs view directly.
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the app
npm start
Use it
Drag'n drop your image(s) into the app and it will convert it to the dds (the file is generated into the same folder but the extention change to .dds, you can change the folder path)
Technical note
The images ~~dimensions need to a power of two and minimum size is 256 : 256x256 / 512x512 / 256x512 / etc..~~ If the image is not a power of 2 it will be resized to the next power of 2 before convert as DDS texture. If the image is smaller than 256, it will be resized to 256. Example : 967x128 -> 1024x256
The compression of the dds is terrible but on my test I figured out the gzipped version are very close, here my results on 59images with a size from 256 to 2048 (no alpha) :
- jpegs files optimized (imageoptim) : 12.9mo
- jpegs files optimized (imageoptim) gzipped : 12.2mo
- dds files dxt1 : 48mo
- dds files dxt1 gzipped : 12.3mo
- dds files dxt5 : 89.7mo
- dds files dxt5 gzipped : 14.9mo
The app is build with nodejs / electron / threejs / datgui
The dds header is build into the app but the dxt compression use node-dxt(squish algorithm)
The dds files are load with the THREE.DDSLoader:
Compression dxt options:
low : super fast poor quality
normal : fast & good quality
hight : super slow & best quality
DXT1 : this format don't manage the transparency
DXT3 : transparent and 16bits
DXT5 : transparent and 16bits (recommended for transparent texture)
ColorMetric : perceptual(default) / uniform
weightColourByAlpha : true / false (default is false)
Trouble shooting
If you have a problem while compiling, please install the latest nodejs and then "npm rebuild", if the problem persist, thanks to open an issue. If you have a bug while using the tool, press "d" to open the devTool panel to see the error message, if you can't figure out the problem, thanks to open an issue.
Learn more about DDS & DXT Compressed Texture
Great article on DDS & DXT :
Microsoft docs :