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MMP - Agent
The backend for MMP
How to contribute
You can contribute by opening an issue / pull request to this repo
You can have an overview of the development status in here
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General Documentation
port = 8000 # port to run the server on
server_hostname = "localhost"
library_path = "/library" # path to the stl library
max_render_workers = 5 # max number of workers to render the 3d model images in parallel shouldn't exceed the number of cpu cores
file_blacklist = [".potato",".example"] # list of files to ignore when searching for stl and assets files in the library_path
model_render_color = "#167DF0" # color to render the 3d model
model_background_color = "#FFFFFF" # color to render the 3d model background
thingiverse_token = "your_thingiverse_token" # thingiverse token to allow the import of thingiverse projects