jquery-meme-generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jquery-meme-generator copied to clipboard

A jQuery plugin for interactive creating images with captions (memes) with basic image editing tools.

Results 13 jquery-meme-generator issues
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text font size automatic resize based on width

Is there any options to save all the frames from a gif? Now saved image return only the first frame. I try to set outputFormat: "image/gif", but still not working....

Can we rotate the textbox?

Hi! nice work. I'm testing it and when I only want to put and show texts, nothing shows. My code is: `$("#example-save").memeGenerator({ captions: ['bla bla bla', 'bla'], useBootstrap: true, editingEnabled:...

Hi, I was just having a look at your project and gave it a test on mobile and noticed this issue and thought I would give you a heads up....

MG.canvas.save().toDataURL(MG.settings.outputFormat); does not work for cross origin. ![capture](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5254459/14942354/88687bfa-0fd3-11e6-9136-88d62aa34d5d.PNG)

I downloaded the meme generator and tried using it, but i got a pop up alert saying "This demo uses communication with the server which is not implemented here" Please...

Thanks for your amazing job, and sorry for my poor English. Testing the script, I have seen how some browsers (for example chrome) do not support downloading the canvas in...

I have a rough working version of your script, now at http://myBibleMemes.com, but there are still a few problems with mobile access. The text move and adjust width doesn't work...