When opening with firefox I get the message that HSTS (HTTP strict transport security) is turned on and since my letsencrypt certs are not valid currently this is not working....
Found the problem of my cert issue, created another issue for it [here]( (maybe someone can link it? Not sure if it is really related, one led to another...). Still...
After the waiting time, I could renew my certs and everything is now up and running again.
@aktur Hi there, I'm trying to use your fork to get this up and running. It seems like the container is starting fine and one client can connect to it....
@aktur Thank you for the quick reply. I'm using different keys for both connections. Maybe I did something wrong in the initial setup. How do I tell the openvpn server...
@aktur Thank you very much! Damn I missed that, I will try the setup from scratch this week.
Hi @aktur I gave it another shot today but I couldn't fully succeed. This is the steps I have taken from a clean start: 1. export OVPN_DATA=absolute_path_to_data_volume 2. export OVPN_URL=url_to_my_server...
Hi everyone, I finally got the time to sit down and figure out what my problems were. I changed my setup slightly by using the ethernet adapter instead of the...
Checking if he drive is mounted in case arg $3 = 1 with: if mount | grep /mnt/backup; then echo "Drive is mounted" exit 0 else echo "Drive is not...
> > What is the correct way to stop the backup process in this case? Do I need to return another exit code for this? Or should I check if...