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Rust integration for Unreal Engine 5

Results 25 unreal-rust issues
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Seeing this project, it's great, maybe I can contribute with Here is the sample code https://github.com/smallverse/ue4_test

Right now `unreal-rust` uses `URustGameModeBase` to hook up into the engine. GameModes in unreal are quite opinionated, maybe we can hook into the engine at an earlier time? Create our...

help wanted

https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/creators > a. Non-Engine Products - You may Distribute Non-Engine Products to any third party. “Non-Engine Product” means a Product made using the Licensed Technology that does not include any...

![unrealrustDirkremix](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1994306/187069523-1690b143-f42f-4db7-8512-0ac041b363bd.png) https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1994306/187089570-557a4578-afc8-4063-b18d-3e2c2495354e.mp4 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1994306/187089573-3fa0583f-707b-4b1d-8842-ff8980a23297.mp4 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1994306/187090400-19812611-f907-434d-88cd-363e4c3903e7.mp4 [blueprint.webm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1994306/187077333-c8fb34e6-899e-4e65-9809-cb72c815b7a7.webm) ![Peek 2022-08-28 12-50](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1994306/188260811-56b1a610-add6-4404-af39-121e269a5145.gif) ![2022-09-04-151108_854x626_scrot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1994306/188315246-0ada8989-4388-443c-9c9c-2027f91f459e.png)

- [x] Create simple rust c dll with common entry points - [x] Load rust dll in unreal - [x] hot reload dll - [x] Add Bevy-ecs - [x] Register...

Right now `unreal-rust` uses a high level physics api based on `AActor` and `UPrimitiveComponent`. It might be worth going more low level to `FPysicsInterface` / `FBodyInstance`. Reasons - More direct...

- [ ] Support finding `.so` files - [ ] More? _The editor startup times are extremely slow for UE5 on linux. On my machine roughly 3 min. This makes...

We need a ci that builds and tests - [x] All of the rust crates in this repo We need an CI for unreal. - Cross compile on Windows and...

help wanted
🔥High priority

The example code contains quite a few assets which probably shouldn't be inside git. Lets move them into a separate repo.

Hi, I'm very excited about this project. I'm on a Mac OS, learning Rust and wanting to start working with Unreal. I'd obviously be very interested to see support for...