Yun Wang (Maigo)
Yun Wang (Maigo)
好赞啊! 显示方式看不懂的可以问我,实在弄不懂,可以把函数框架写好,我往里填内容。
@NLasagna 你是说安卓版么?可以去Google Play或者豌豆荚市场下载,也可以直接下载安装本repo中bin目录下的MCPDict.apk。
@zvving 1.0版有没有发布呀?
@Phonicavi 厉害!十分感谢!
@Phonicavi 赞!加油!
这确实是个问题,另外还有“万兀广”这些注音符号在某些手机上也无法显示。 如果做成图片,你觉得怎么样?
Do you have any error messages? I'm not familiar with the Kaldi nnet model, but I may be able to make something out of the error message...
I see that the ReLU activation function can be called either "rectifier" or "relu" in PDNN. But in Kaldi, neither is a valid name for a nnet component. I'm surprised...
Sorry, I don't have a ready implementation...