Robert Elliot
Robert Elliot
I think we may be seeing something similar... we've got a large template (4MB). In a docker container running in Docker Desktop on my box, rendering it precompiled takes >...
I'm an idiot, I wasn't actually evaluating the template locally - when I did it had similar performance characteristics to the behaviour in Docker. The issue is that the buffer...
I've raised as a suggested fix for this
Unfortunately I've not really been keeping up! I wasn't even aware of the existence of `java.lang.System.Logger`. I'd have to look into how it would all hang together.
That looks quite like what I'm currently doing - running the bit that can fail in a stage, but preventing it failing (i used set +e -e), then interrogating its...
It's really the `docker cp` that I want; though I can imagine a world in which it might be convenient to do a `docker run -it failingtag bash` and have...
Got you, I understand now. I confess I didn't know about `--output` - that's a nicer way to get things out than `docker cp` It would be nice to build...
I agree with all of these: > * the Dockerfile to be the "source of truth" of what a build does, with minimal knowledge from the user (i.e., set sensible...
Returning to this - there could be a different, perhaps simpler solution? Rather than adding new options to the `docker build` CLI command, a new option could be added to...
My workaround is really unsatisfactory with the buildkit builder - because `RUN set +e; ./; echo $? > build_result` always succeeds, it folds it up, so when the checker stage...