Results 26 comments of Robert Elliot

FWIW, I've got this working: with `` in `/usr/local/etc/docker-lifecycle-listener.d/on_start/` And a script to automatically create the routes: can also be added to `/usr/local/etc/docker-lifecycle-listener.d/on_start/` to get it working end...

I've packaged this up in my own brew tap, so you can install it as so: ```bash brew install mahoney/tap/docker-tuntap-osx ``` Note the instructions in the caveats, you have to...

I've suddenly got this issue because a different dependency brought in `org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.30` transitively, and gradle's dependency resolution combines that with java-faker's `android` classifier to produce a dependency on `org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.30-android` -...

@bodiam thanks - I'll consider migrating to datafaker. `net.datafaker:datafaker`, presumably? In the meantime, this works as a way to strip the `android` classifier: ```groovy configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->...

> 3. Some sort of DNS service that auto maps domains to container IPs (I haven't found a good solution that does this yet). > I'm actually working on a...

Mine is broken (see, but there are other options which run a DNS proxy inside docker that will resolve container names to docker ip addresses. You then need to...

Cache by branch name absolutely works, it was the ability to combine multiple ways of caching and retrieving I wanted. I didn't know about caches not being shared across branches...

Perhaps I've misdiagnosed it, but I still can't login to a registry locally and then interact with it within a container in the way described. `regctl repo ls` exits...

> In the mean time, does anyone know if there's a way to configure `docker compose` completion to fall back to the old `docker-compose` completion? This might suggest a way...

This would be brilliant for build systems like Gradle and Maven building on e.g. GitHub Actions. They typically download all their dependencies to a cache dir. It's hard to benefit...