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Holographic Reduced Representations

Holographic Reduced Representations

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Install 🎉

pip install hrr

Update :hammer_and_wrench:

  • v1.2.3 - support for real-valued FFT, can be accessed by HRR.real
  • v1.1.0 - dim/axis support for PyTorch, JAX & Flax
  • For TensorFlow binding/unbinding can only be applied to the last dimension

Intro :studio_microphone:

Holographic Reduced Representations (HRR) is a method of representing compositional structures using circular convolution in distributed representations. The HRR operations binding and unbinding allow assigning abstract concepts to arbitrary numerical vectors. Given vectors x and y in a d-dimensional space, both can be combined using binding operation. Likewise, one of the vectors can be retrieved knowing one of the two vectors using unbinding operation.

Docs :green_book:

HRR library supports TensorFlow, PyTorch , JAX, and Flax. To import the HRR package with the TensorFlow backend use HRR.with_tensorflow, to import with the JAX backend use HRR.with_jax, and so on. Vectors are sampled from a normal distribution with zero mean and the variance of the inverse of the dimension using normal function, with projection onto the ball of complex unit magnitude, to enforce that the inverse will be numerically stable during unbinding, proposed in Learning with Holographic Reduced Representations.

from HRR.with_pytorch import normal, projection, binding, unbinding, cosine_similarity

batch = 32
features = 256

x = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=0), dim=-1)
y = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=1), dim=-1)

b = binding(x, y, dim=-1)
y_prime = unbinding(b, x, dim=-1)

score = cosine_similarity(y, y_prime, dim=-1, keepdim=False)
print('score:', score[0])
# prints score: tensor(1.0000)

What makes HRR more interesting is that multiple vectors can be combined by element-wise addition of the vectors, however, retrieval accuracy will decrease.

x = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=0), dim=-1)
y = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=1), dim=-1)
w = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=2), dim=-1)
z = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=3), dim=-1)

b = binding(x, y, dim=-1) + binding(w, z, dim=-1)
y_prime = unbinding(b, x, dim=-1)

score = cosine_similarity(y, y_prime, dim=-1, keepdim=False)
print('score:', score[0])
# prints score: tensor(0.7483)

More interestingly, vectors can be combined and retrieved in hierarchical order. 🌳

x    y
 \  /
b=x#y  z 
   \  /
x = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=0), dim=-1)
y = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=1), dim=-1)
z = projection(normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=2), dim=-1)

b = binding(x, y, dim=-1)
c = binding(b, z, dim=-1)

b_ = unbinding(c, z, dim=-1)
y_ = unbinding(b_, x, dim=-1)

score = cosine_similarity(y, y_, dim=-1)
print('score:', score[0])
# prints score: tensor(1.0000)

Flax Module (Fastest) ⚡

HRR package supports vector binding/unbinding as a Flax module. Like any other Flax module, this needs to be initialized first and then execute using the apply method.

x = normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=0)
y = normal(shape=(batch, features), seed=1)

class Model(nn.Module):
    def setup(self):
        self.binding = Binding()
        self.unbinding = Unbinding()
        self.projection = Projection()
        self.similarity = CosineSimilarity()

    def __call__(self, x, y, axis):
        x = self.projection(x, axis=axis)
        y = self.projection(y, axis=axis)

        b = self.binding(x, y, axis=axis)
        y_ = self.unbinding(b, x, axis=axis)

        return self.similarity(y, y_, axis=axis, keepdims=False)

model = Model()
init_value = {'x': np.ones_like(x), 'y': np.ones_like(y), 'axis': -1}
var = model.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), **init_value)

tic = time.time()
inputs = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'axis': -1}
score = model.apply(var, **inputs)
toc = time.time()

print(f'score: {score[0]:.2f}')
print(f'Total time: {toc - tic:.4f}s')
# prints score: 1.00
# Total time: 0.0088s

Processing :framed_picture:

apply.py shows an example of how to apply binding/unbinding to an image. The bound image is the composite representation of the original image and another matrix sampled from a normal distribution performed by the binding operation. By using the unbinding operation original image can be retrieved without any loss.

Papers :scroll:

Deploying Convolutional Networks on Untrusted Platforms Using 2D Holographic Reduced Representations @ ICML 2022 GitHub

  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  arxivId = {2206.05893},
  author = {Alam, Mohammad Mahmudul and Raff, Edward and Oates, Tim and Holt, James},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
  eprint = {2206.05893},
  title = {{Deploying Convolutional Networks on Untrusted Platforms Using 2D Holographic Reduced Representations}},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05893},
  year = {2022}

Recasting Self-Attention with Holographic Reduced Representations @ ICML 2023 GitHub

  title={Recasting Self-Attention with Holographic Reduced Representations},
  author={Alam, Mohammad Mahmudul and Raff, Edward and Biderman, Stella and Oates, Tim and Holt, James},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.19534},

Report 🐛🚧🚩

To report a bug or any other questions, please feel free to open an issue.


Thanks to @EdwardRaffML and @oatesbag for their constant support to this research endeavor.