MSPeekCollectionViewDelegateImplementation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MSPeekCollectionViewDelegateImplementation copied to clipboard

A custom paging behavior that peeks the previous and next items in a collection view

Results 15 MSPeekCollectionViewDelegateImplementation issues
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If I create the default behavior for peeking the cells from the horizontal `UICollectionView`, my scrolling indicators are only visible directly on cells and I am unable to use edge...

Please fix backward scroll... because if I want make backward scroll for example on 2-3 cell I can do this only on one cell, I made small research and found...

Trying to integrate using SPM but getting Package Resolution Failed. Im using the URL : ![image](

Hey, any idea hot to align horizontal collection view items to left when it is first item then after that could work normally with centered item. Like AppStore product carousel...

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After updating to v3.1.1 the app crashes when releasing finger after a swipe. It works without any change with the 2 previous versions. - The crash happens on the `behavior.scrollViewWillEndDragging`...

Good morning Maher! again thanks for your work. I'm having a doubt, I'm using RxCollectionView and in that case the dataSource it's fileprivate func dataSource() -> RxCollectionViewSectionedReloadDataSource and MSPeek collectionView...

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Works fine with one section in collection view, but I don't know if it could with multiple sections? I find that it has larger space between sections than cells. and...

Currently, this lib forces the cross axis size of a cell to match that of the collection view. The App Store has another type of horizontally peeking collection view where...

help wanted

It would be really nice if the peeking items have some animations (maybe like growing/shrinking) while we scroll.