MohammadMahdi Deramgozin
MohammadMahdi Deramgozin
Sorry, my question was not clear. If I'm not mistaken you are saying I should just add the number of AUs in the from 5 to 12 Is this...
OK perfect. Thanks again
Hi, Yes, I did about one year and some months ago. The problem is that this code detected just 5 AU and it was not enough. I wanted to estimate...
Perfect! In current work we have worked on CK+ dataset but we also need to add other datasets like DISFA and FER2017. I will also cite your work. Thanks
Hi, thanks for the question, if I'm not mistaken, if you're working with landmark coordinates it can have an effect on the positions of the intensities. which means that when...
> Hi, > After I run, I get an error like this that tells me I'm missing files. However, I have not used TensorFlow or ZMQ, so I would...
Hello I know you are very busy these days, but if you can please answer my questions. I trained the model via the DISFA dataset. I have all the AUs,...
Hello I am looking forward to hearing from you. Regards
Perfect! Thank you very much for your answer. In fact your paper and code will be an important part of my job and I would be happy if you give...
About the Json file, please note that in the address of each image we should not give a full address of them, because in "" there is a variable named...