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TM1638 driver for AVR (ATmega32), STM32 (HAL) and ESP32 (esp-idf)

TM1638 Library

Library for handling TM1638 LED display driver.

Library Features

  • Support for both Common Anode and Common Cathode Seven-segment displays
  • Support for dimming display
  • Support for scan Keypad

Hardware Support

It is easy to port this library to any platform. But now it is ready for use in:

  • AVR (ATmega32)
  • STM32 (HAL)
  • ESP32 (esp-idf)

How To Use

  1. Add TM1638.h, TM1638_config.h and TM1638.c files to your project. It is optional to use TM1638_platform.h and TM1638_platform.c files (open and config TM1638_platform.h file).
  2. Initialize platform-dependent part of handler.
  3. Call TM1638_Init().
  4. Call TM1638_ConfigDisplay() to config display.
  5. Call other functions and enjoy.


Using TM1638_platform files
#include <stdio.h>
#include "TM1638.h"
#include "TM1638_platform.h"

int main(void)
  TM1638_Handler_t Handler;

  TM1638_Init(&Handler, TM1638DisplayTypeComCathode);
  TM1638_ConfigDisplay(&Handler, 7, TM1638DisplayStateON);

  while (1)
    // Display the number 8 and Decimal Point in the SEG1 
    TM1638_SetSingleDigit_HEX(&Handler, 8 | TM1638DecimalPoint, 0);

  return 0;
Without using TM1638_platform files (AVR)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#define F_CPU 8000000
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "TM1638.h"

#define TM1638_DIO_DDR   DDRA
#define TM1638_DIO_PORT  PORTA
#define TM1638_DIO_PIN   PINA
#define TM1638_DIO_NUM   0

#define TM1638_CLK_DDR   DDRA
#define TM1638_CLK_PORT  PORTA
#define TM1638_CLK_NUM   1

#define TM1638_STB_DDR   DDRA
#define TM1638_STB_PORT  PORTA
#define TM1638_STB_NUM   2

static void
  TM1638_CLK_DDR |= (1<<TM1638_CLK_NUM);
  TM1638_DIO_DDR |= (1<<TM1638_DIO_NUM);
  TM1638_STB_DDR |= (1<<TM1638_STB_NUM);

static void
  TM1638_CLK_DDR &= ~(1<<TM1638_CLK_NUM);
  TM1638_CLK_PORT &= ~(1<<TM1638_CLK_NUM);
  TM1638_DIO_DDR &= ~(1<<TM1638_DIO_NUM);
  TM1638_DIO_PORT &= ~(1<<TM1638_DIO_NUM);
  TM1638_STB_DDR &= ~(1<<TM1638_STB_NUM);
  TM1638_STB_PORT &= ~(1<<TM1638_STB_NUM);

static void
  TM1638_DIO_DDR |= (1<<TM1638_DIO_NUM);

static void
  TM1638_DIO_DDR &= ~(1<<TM1638_DIO_NUM);

static void
TM1638_DioWrite(uint8_t Level)
  if (Level)
    TM1638_DIO_PORT |= (1<<TM1638_DIO_NUM);
    TM1638_DIO_PORT &= ~(1<<TM1638_DIO_NUM);

static uint8_t
  uint8_t Result = 1;
  Result = (TM1638_DIO_PIN & (1 << TM1638_DIO_NUM)) ? 1 : 0;
  return Result;

static void
TM1638_ClkWrite(uint8_t Level)
  if (Level)
    TM1638_CLK_PORT |= (1<<TM1638_CLK_NUM);
    TM1638_CLK_PORT &= ~(1<<TM1638_CLK_NUM);

static void
TM1638_StbWrite(uint8_t Level)
  if (Level)
    TM1638_STB_PORT |= (1<<TM1638_STB_NUM);
    TM1638_STB_PORT &= ~(1<<TM1638_STB_NUM);

static void
TM1638_DelayUs(uint8_t Delay)
  for (; Delay; --Delay)

int main(void)
  TM1638_Handler_t Handler;

  Handler.PlatformInit = TM1638_PlatformInit;
  Handler.PlatformDeInit = TM1638_PlatformDeInit;
  Handler.DioConfigOut = TM1638_DioConfigOut;
  Handler.DioConfigIn = TM1638_DioConfigIn;
  Handler.DioWrite = TM1638_DioWrite;
  Handler.DioRead = TM1638_DioRead;
  Handler.ClkWrite = TM1638_ClkWrite;
  Handler.StbWrite = TM1638_StbWrite;
  Handler.DelayUs = TM1638_DelayUs;

  TM1638_Init(&Handler, TM1638DisplayTypeComCathode);
  TM1638_ConfigDisplay(&Handler, 7, TM1638DisplayStateON);

  while (1)
    // Display the number 8 and Decimal Point in the SEG1 
    TM1638_SetSingleDigit_HEX(&Handler, 8 | TM1638DecimalPoint, 0);

  return 0;