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Unofficial Google Map client for Universal Windows Platform

Wingo Maps

WinGo Maps is an UNOFFICIAL Google Map client for Universal Windows Platform.
Download · Insiders Group · Gmaps SDK


  • Show and Download Google Maps Tiles in UWP map control
  • Offline map download (+Backup/Restore)
  • Switch between online and offline maps dynamically
  • Find directions and navigation
  • Voice Navigation
  • GeoCoding (Converting latitude and longitude to address)
  • Reverse GeoCoding (Converting Address to latitude and longitude)
  • Search (Nearby / Text / Place Auto Complete)
  • Place details, Rate and Reviews, Images and etc.
  • Save Favorite places (+Sync between devices)
  • Cortana Integration
  • Live Tile
  • Multilingual support (Arabic, Belarusian, English, German, Itlian, Persian, Portuguese (Brazil) and more)
  • Fluent design





Getting started with the source code


  1. Windows 10
  2. Visual Studio 2017 (latest build) with universal windows development features installed.
  3. GIT for Windows (install from here)

Build and running the code

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the solution in Visual Studio.
  3. Right click on the solution file in Visual Studio solution explorer and add a new Class called AppCore.cs Then write this code in this class based on your Google API information:
using WinGoMapsX.ViewModel.SettingsView;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Store;
using Windows.UI.Core;
using Windows.Web.Http;

public class AppCore
    public static string ArianaAPIKey { get => "ArianaAPIKey"; }
    private static CoreDispatcher _dispatch;
    public static CoreDispatcher Dispatcher
            if (_dispatch != null) return _dispatch;
                _dispatch = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
                return _dispatch;
    private static HttpClient _http;
    public static HttpClient HttpClient { get { if (_http != null) return _http; else { _http = new HttpClient(); return _http; } } }
    public static string OnMapLanguage { get; set; }
    public static string GoogleMapRequestsLanguage { get; set; }
    public static string GoogleMapAPIKey { get; private set; }
    public static string HttpUserAgent { get; private set; }
    static AppCore()
        HttpUserAgent = "MahStudioWinGoMapsX";
        GoogleMapAPIKey = "YouGMapsAPIKey";
        GoogleMapRequestsLanguage = LanguageSettingsSetters.GetAPILanguage();
        OnMapLanguage = LanguageSettingsSetters.GetOnMapLanguage();
  1. Now hit F5 and run the project :)


We are always welcome to your help. You can join our Telegram Insiders Group to help us developing and testing this app. Also you can post issues and feature requests and help us in development via sending pull requests.


This project is designed, developed, maintained and supported by the community software development team Mah Studio. See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.