Thx for this first fix - but most regrettably it does not solve the problem entirely. Even more as it turned out that enabling live mode is our main problem...
First of all thx for working on this subject. Current tests are ambiguous: 1. Activating Live Mode: route target seems to stay the same now (i. e. behaves as expected),...
Further tests have confirmed the two points mentioned before: 1. Activating Live mode: seems to be fixed 2. Switching Map type: still switches targets
Moin! Zeit zum Testen ist aktuell leider ziemlich knapp, aber ich kann's natürlich trotzdem versuchen. Andererseits möchte ich Deine Kapazitäten aber nicht allzu sehr an dieses quasi "Bequemlichkeitsproblem" binden, ich...
Gerade die neue Version avisiert bekommen, Changelog gelesen, angesehen, prima, prima, ich bin begeistert: :) Copy ist ne coole Sache, 1-Feld-Coord-Eingabe ebenfalls, die Tabellenansicht allerdings ... da dachte ich zuerst,...
Verstehe - nachvollziehbar. > Danke für die Blumen! 😊 Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt. ;)
Duplicate of #15460?
At least for me "additionally" seems to need some explanation, cause with current nightly I can not see any "additional" Mapsforge stuff over there, nor do I have an idea...
Sounds good - Thx! Grace distance is not that important anyway. If one wants to keep "follow me" there's nothing to say against using the zoom controls. ;)
That's good to know - thanks. However, I wanted to show this really useful feature (especially for bike cachers) to some people at the event tonight, but failed completely. So,...