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A Magisk module to provide dynamic, in-situ patching of a device's TWRP recovery image to include Internal Storage in Data back-ups.

TWRP Helper


This module provides dynamic, in-situ patching of the device's TWRP recovery image to include so-called Internal Storage in future Data back-ups.

Internal Storage is the somewhat confusing name given to the emulated internal SD card used to store your downloads, game data and media files; such as photos, videos, music and more. By default, TWRP excludes Internal Storage when backing up Data and there is currently no setting that allows you to include it. This makes it impossible to conduct a full back-up without resorting to TWRP's Terminal module to manually back-up /data/media with tar.

If this manual back-up isn't performed, whether due to inertia, forgetfulness or user error, a considerable amount of data can be exposed to the risk of loss.

As a simple example, my own Samsung Galaxy S10+ shows the following data under /data/media:

beyond2:/ # ls /data/media/{0,obb}
ACRCalls   LastPassAuthenticator Signal             WhatsApp
AMap       Music                 Snapseed           data
Android    Pictures              TWRP               dslv_state.txt
DCIM       Playlists             Tasker             log
Download   Recordings            Telegram           switch-recovery
ElementalX Ringtones             ViPER4Android
Kustom     Samsung               Web\ Video\ Caster

amanita_design.samorost3.GP                com.toppluva.grandmountain                      com.ubisoft.hungrysharkworld
com.colorswitch.switch2                    com.ustwo.monumentvalley2
com.kiloo.subwaysurf                       pl.idreams.SkyForceReloaded2016
com.nexonm.aftertheend                     se.maginteractive.rumble

beyond2:/ # du -sh /data/media
6.7G	/data/media

That's 6.7 Gb of data that TWRP simply cannot be configured to back-up.

This module eliminates the user's exposure by modifying TWRP to remove the exclusion of /data/media from Data back-ups.


When you use Magisk Manager to install the module, the module will immediately attempt to patch your device's recovery. The app's console will clearly indicate success or failure.

Failure to find a patchable image during module installation is non-fatal, because the image in your recovery partition isn't static: It may be updated to a patchable image at some later point in time. In this scenario, the module will still be installed to allow for the possibility of future patching.

On subsequent reboots to rooted Android, the module will reinspect the recovery partition. If a suitable TWRP recovery image is found, it will be patched at this time.

A log of this process (twrp-helper.log) will be saved in the module's own directory (/data/adb/modules/twrp-helper at the time of writing). This can be read from a connected computer during or after boot, using adb as follows:

adb shell su -c cat /data/adb/modules/twrp-helper/twrp-helper.log

If patching was successful, a copy of the patched TWRP image file (twrp-patched.img) will be saved in the module's own directory. If the path /storage/emulated/0/Download is available (which it typically isn't when the module's service script is run during boot), the image will be moved here for easy access.

Inspecting the recovery partition on each boot takes just a fraction of a second. If the recovery image requires patching, the process will take several seconds (most of which is the repacking of the new image), but because the work is performed in late start service mode, which is non-blocking, it will be done in parallel with other boot tasks and therefore have a negligible impact on boot duration.


Once you have a successfully patched TWRP recovery image, you can reboot to TWRP and make immediate use of the augmented functionality.

Set your language to English and select the Backup module from the main menu and you should now see Data annotated with (incl. storage), where formerly the text (excl. storage) would have appeared.

Back-ups of Data will thus henceforth include Internal Storage (/data/media). Analogously, wiping Data will subsequently also wipe Internal Storage. This has two critical ramifications.

Firstly, if you back up to Internal Storage, any back-up you make of Data will now include nested copies of all of your existing back-ups. This is probably not what you want and will quickly spiral out of control until all of the available storage space has been consumed.

Secondly, since a restore operation is preceded by a wipe, any TWRP back-ups residing on Internal Storage will be deleted when you restore Data. If you are not careful, you could easily destroy the very back-up you are attempting to restore.

For the above two reasons, you are strongly advised to back up only to an external SD card from this point forward.

Note that a Data back-up made by a patched TWRP does not require a patched TWRP to restore it. Standard TWRP will not wipe /data/media before restoring to it.


When you mark the module for removal in Magisk Manager, the module will inspect the recovery partition one final time during the next boot of the device to rooted Android. If a previously patched image of TWRP is found, it will be reverse-patched to return it to its former state.

A log of this process (twrp-helper.log) will be saved in Magisk's module container directory (/data/adb/modules at the time of writing). The log of the unpatching process cannot be saved in the module's own directory, since this is removed during the module's uninstallation. Although leaving a remnant behind on the file-system following uninstallation is contrary to good housekeeping, the need to know what actions were performed by the module before its removal takes precedence over this concern.

Bugs and Shortcomings

  • Only the English language strings are patched to reflect the inclusion of Internal Storage in Data back-ups. If you use TWRP in a language other than English, your back-ups will still include Internal Storage, but the messages displayed by TWRP will be misleading.

  • For reasons that have yet to be ascertained, uninstallation of the module currently results in the reverse-patching of the TWRP image being attempted twice. The first attempt is successful and returns the image to its former state, but the log of this is then overwritten by a second, unsuccessful attempt. Bear this in mind when viewing the uninstallation log and trying to reconcile the messages here with the actual state of the device's recovery partition.

  • The module requires Magisk v19 or later.

Warranty and Disclaimer

This module is offered as is without warranty or support of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. By using this module, you assume sole responsibility for its performance on your device.

The module has been tested on Samsung S10 (G973F) and S10+ (G975F) devices running TWRP 3.3.1, where it performed as expected. Although the module has not been tested on any other model of device, it is likely to work on many devices with a standard A-only partition configuration.

However, no effort whatsoever has been made to accommodate devices with an A/B partitioning scheme. Although I think I know what would be required to support such devices, I do not own such a device, have no experience with such a device and cannot test on such a device. I would, however, be happy to receive patches.


2019-06-10: v1.0

  • Initial release.
