I just did speed test: ``` Power P2 = Power.FromSI(10); Length L2 = Length.FromSI(2); Temperature T2 = Temperature.FromSI(4); UnknownUnit test = 0; var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int i =...
Looks great! Good job! Maybe when you get the 'domo' working I will get a better idea of it usage or maybe if I knew more about that particularly field...
Great videos! Thanks for taking your time to deep dive into this package! It is very helpful for us to get the feedback you provide on youtube. I might make...
To answer some of your questions from your videos: The `BaseUnit` class it not really meant to be used directly by the users, but as you can see it can...
@mschmitz2 I really like your implementation of `Cost`! I have created a new issue for Cost #39 and one for creating a Howto #40
The problem was that Coolprop is just returning Inf when trying to do the lookup with your input vaules. I have changed the code so the values is displaying Inf....
I have checked everything and it is sending the correct values to CoolProp. Maybe Coolprop dont support that combination of inputs.. I think if you want an answer for this...
22122bd - Just relaxed the restrictions on some methods from Internal to public in order for users to better create their customs units
I have started on a Wiki post about creating custom units. Could you try it out and see if you can get it to work?
I dont get any error running the same code, so it is hard to tell what is wrong. Do you get the same error if you run other type of...