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A list of Reddit channels every programmer should follow

Awesome Reddit Channels Awesome

forthebadge forthebadge

A collection of reddit channels that every developer must follow I have always felt that Reddit is highly under-rated and under-utilized resource when it comes programming. Here's a list of channels that I have always found useful. Make sure you star the repo, because I will be updating this from time to time. Hope this helps everyone.Thank you :)


  • As on Feb 9,2021
  • In the order of followers

Sub reddits

Position Channel Followers
1 r/dataisbeautiful/ subscribers
2 r/buildapc/ subscribers
3 r/programming/ subscribers
4 r/learnprogramming/ subscribers
5 r/MachineLearning/ subscribers
6 r/ProgrammerHumor/ subscribers
7 r/JavaScript/ subscribers
8 r/compsci/ subscribers
9 r/Python/ subscribers
10 r/webdev/ subscribers
11 r/linux/ subscribers
12 r/gamedev/ subscribers
13 r/web_design/ subscribers
14 r/learnpython/ subscribers
15 r/cscareerquestions/ subscribers
16 r/HowToHack/ subscribers
17 r/coding/ subscribers
18 r/reactjs/ subscribers
19 r/dailyprogrammer/ subscribers
20 r/java/ subscribers
21 r/learnmachinelearning/ subscribers
22 r/statistics/ subscribers
23 r/node/ subscribers
24 r/androiddev/ subscribers
25 r/learnjavascript/ subscribers
26 r/programminghorror/ subscribers
27 r/robotics/ subscribers
28 r/opensource/ subscribers
29 r/artificial/ subscribers
30 r/rust/ subscribers
31 r/algorithms/ subscribers
32 r/shittyprogramming/ subscribers
33 r/AskComputerScience/ subscribers
34 r/git/ subscribers
35 r/GitHub/ subscribers

Contributing Everyone is welcome to contribute to this list - read the contribution guidelines to find out how.