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Uma lista revisada de recursos práticos e acadêmicos para estudantes de Ciência da Computação.
A curated list of awesome academic and practical resources for Computer Science students.
- Contribution guide
Table of Contents
- General CS
- Learning Platforms
- Algorithms
- Languages
- Computer Graphics
- Encryption & Hashing
- Networks
- Compilers
- Machine Learning
- YouTube
- Podcasts
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Digital Electronics
- Games & Contests
- Malware Analysis
- Miscellaneous
General CS
- Computer Science Books (Shodan)
- Free Programming Books (VHF Repo)
- Computer Science (Open Source Society)
- 621+ Programming Resources
- 30 Free Programming eBooks
- Curated List of Awesome Lists
- Shared Tech Resources
- Papers We Love
- Become a Programmer, Motherfucker
- DevDocs - Multiple Documentations
- Awesome BR
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles
- Today I Learned (TIL)
- Complexity Zoo
- Big O Complexity Cheat Sheet
- Computer Science from the Bottom Up
- Computer Science Field Guide
- Translating Mathematics into Code
- Learn Enough to Be Dangerous
- Programming Languages Paradigms
- Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
- SyntaxDB
- ExplainShell
- CS50
Learning Platforms
- Code
- Coursera CS
- KhanAcademy CS
- EdX CS
- Udemy Development (Free)
- Udemy IT & Software (Free)
- Stanford Courses
- Cybrary.IT
- Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (MIT)
- Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (Audio & Video, MIT)
- Material recomendado
C & C++
- Learn C The Hard Way
- C Progressivo
- C Completo e Total
- Linguagem C
- Learn C
- C++ Complete Reference
- Learn C++
- Geeks4Geeks C
- Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours
- Stanford CS Education Library
- C Gibberish ↔ English
- Clockwise/Spiral Rule
- UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C
- IAR Advanced preprocessor tips and tricks
- Organizing Code Files in C and C++
- Automate The Boring Stuff With Python
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
- Python Programming
- Open Sourcing a Python Project the Right Way
- The Best Way to Learn Python
- Python Classes and OOP
- Async/await in Python 3.5
- Por que há tantos Pythons?
- Python Tutor
- Anaconda
- Learn Ruby The Hard Way
- Humble Little Ruby Book
- Poignant Guide to Ruby
- Learn to Program
- Ruby Koans
- Awesome Ruby
- Ruby Monk
- Ruby em Vinte Minutos
- Try Ruby
- Writing a compiler in Ruby, bottom up
- Pocket Programming - Ruby/Rails
- Learn Perl in about 2 hours 30 minutes
- Modern Perl
- Impatient Perl
- Learning Perl the Hard Way
- Beginning Perl
- Eloquent Javascript
- You Don't Know JS
- The Entire JS Language in One Image
- JS: The Right Way
- JavaScript for Cats
- SQL Completo - Softblue
- A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory
- The Codex » Do Not Pass This Way Again
- Code School - Try R
- R Programming Tutorials
- R by example
- The R Language
- CRAN: Manuals
- swirl: Learn R, in R.
- YBlog - Learn Haskell Fast and Hard
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
- Aprender Haskell será um grande bem para você!
- How to learn Haskell
- Real World Haskell
- Haskell (Wikibooks)
- Yet Another Haskell Tutorial
- Try Haskell! An interactive tutorial in your browser
- HaskellWiki
- Haskell for all
- Haskell Exercises
- Write You a Haskell (Stephen Diehl)
- What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell (Stephen Diehl)
- Monads for Dummies (Stephan Boyer)
- The Marvels of Monads
- State of the Haskell ecosystem
- Hoogle
- Typeclassopedia
- An Introduction to Cabal sandboxes
- Monad transformers, free monads, mtl, laws and a new approach
- Try Clojure
- Clojure for the Brave and True
- Clojure from the Ground Up
- Clojure Koans
- 4Clojure
- Clojure Distilled
Common Lisp
- Lisp Hackers, Interviews with 100x More Productive Programmers
- L(λ)THW, Learn Lisp The Hard Way
- Paul Graham's On Lisp, Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
- Lisp in Small Parts
- Common Lisp Koans
- CLiki, Common Lisp Wiki
Computer Graphics
- Cg/Unity tutorials
- Tools
- Languages
- Cg
- Processing
Encryption and Hashing
- Repos
- Encoding vs Encryption vs Hashing vs Obfuscation
- GPG/PGP Basics
- An Introduction to Public Key Cryptography and PGP
- GPG tutorial and PGP Public Key
- Lifetimes of cryptographic hash functions
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography
- Provably Fair Shuffling Through Cryptography
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming
- Redes de Computadores
- Tráfego | RNP
- ISFCE Sample Practical Exercise
- PacketLife Capture Collection
- DigitalCorpora Packet Dumps
- Evil Fingers PCAP Challenges
- PCAPS Repository
- Chris Sanders Packet Captures
- Tcpreplay Sample Captures
- MAWI Working Group Traffic Archive
- Grammar: The language of languages
- How parsers and compilers work
- LL and LR in Context: Why Parsing Tools Are Hard
- LL and LR Parsing Demystified
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Compiler Optimizations
- Compiler Explorer
- Compiler Design Tutorial
Machine Learning
- Awesome Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Foundations
- A Course in Machine Learning
- Neural Networks (Sherbrooke)
- Machine Learning Video Library
- Machine Learning Mastery
- Machine Learning Course (Caltech)
- Deep Learning Courses (NVIDIA)
- Deep Learning, Feature Learning
- A blog about Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP.
- A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Machine learning is way easier than it looks
- A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Deep Learning Glossary
- Understanding Convolution in Deep Learning
- Deep Learning (Nando de Freitas, Oxford)
- Undergrad Machine Learning (Nando de Freitas)
- Machine Learning (Nando de Freitas)
- Top 10 Data Mining Algorithms in Plain English
- TensorFlow Tutorials
- CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- DEV na ESTRADA (Portuguese)
- PODebug (Portuguese)
- Grok Podcast (Portuguese)
- Castálio Podcast (Portuguese)
- Hack N' Cast (Portuguese)
- Giant Robots Smashing into Other Giant Robots (English)
- Ruby Rogues (English)
- The Elixir Fountain (English)
- The Changelog (English)
- Developer Tea (English)
- Hanselminutes (English)
- Turing-Incomplete (English)
- The Bike Shed (English)
- Code Newbie (English)
- Developer On Fire (English)
- Mostly Erlang (English)
- Functional Geekery (English)
- The Type Theory Podcast (English)
- The Haskell Cast (English)
- Tools
- Slader (Textbook Solutions)
- BetterExplained
- PatrickJMT
- Cálculo I - USP
- Material Recomendado
- Cálculo I - Sacha Friedli
- Cálculo Vol. 1 - James Stewart
- Cálculo Vol. 2 - James Stewart
- Um Curso de G.A.A.L. - R. J.
- Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
- Apostilas - Reginaldo
- Listas - Takahashi
- G.A.A.L. - Uma Visão Geométrica
- Curso de Cálculo I - Sacha
- Pequenos Erros que Causam Grandes Dificuldades
- Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications
- A First Course in Probability
- Introduction to Matrix Computation
- Algoritmos Numéricos
- Curso de Cálculo de uma Variável
- Mathematics (MIT)
- Multivariable Calculus (Whitman)
- Differential & Integral Calculus (UCLA)
- Probability (UCLA)
- A First Course in Probability (Sheldon Ross)
- Anotações Matemáticas (Renji Rodrigo)
- Material Recomendado
- Feynman Lectures (Caltech)
- Physics (MIT)
Digital Electronics
- Material Recomendado
Games & Contests
- Programming
- Infosec
- Repos
- CTFTime
- WeChall
- Pwnable.KR
- Reversing.KR
- Smash The Stack
- Shellterlabs
- SucuriHC
- Root-me
- PicoCTF
- RingZer0 CTF
- HackTheBox
- Wargame-100security
- Hack Yeaster
- EnigmaGroup
- Exploit Exercises
- Google Gruyere
- Gh0st Lab
- Hack This Site
- HackThis
- HackQuest
- Hacking-Lab
- Hacker Challenge
- Hacker Test
- hACME Game
- Hax.Tor
- OverTheWire
- pwn0
- RootContest
- Root Me
- Security Treasure Hunt
- TheBlackSheep and Erik
- ThisIsLegal
- Try2Hack
- WabLab
- XSS: Can You XSS This?
- XSS: ProgPHP
- Network Forensics Puzzle contest
- DEF CON CTF Archive
- DigitalCorpora
- Honeynet Challenges
- I Smell Packets
- DFRWS 2014 Forensics Rodeo
- Linux LEO Supplemental Files
Malware Analysis
- Open Malware / Offensive Computing
- Contagio
- VX Heaven
- / VXShare
- VXVault
- MalShare
- Virusign
- theZoo / Malware DB
- malc0de
- FakeAVs blog
- malware_traffic
- Georgia Tech malrec page
- Kernelmode Forum
- Malware Hub Forum
- Joxean Koret’s List
- Sucuri Research Labs
- CLEAN MX realtime database
- Contagio Mobile Malware
- Android Sandbox
- maltrieve
- HoneyDrive
- Git
- Explore GitHub
- Github Visualizer
- Trending in Open Source
- WakaTime - Quantify your coding
- Rosetta Code
- Hidden Features (S.O.)
- SciHub
- Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games
- Software Licenses in Plain English
- Koding for Teams
- Livecoding.TV
- Simulação Avançada - Vida Artificial
- Computação Natural
- Torch
- ForGe Forensic test image generator
- Volatility memory samples
- Enron Email Dataset
- The ultimate guide on preventing Website Scraping
- Type Theory: A Modern Computable Paradigm for Math
- Add repos subsections.
- Remove outdated/not so awesome links.
- Improve titles.