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AI Digest: Monthly updates on AI and ML topics
AI Digest: Monthly updates on AI and ML topics
Issue #20: February 2021
- CVPR 2021 Workshops
Issue #19: January 2021
- Visdom: a data visualization tool
- Objectron Dataset
- JupyterLab 3.0 is released
Issue #18: December 2020
- Robustness Metrics
- DeiT: Data-efficient image Transformers
- AI Debate 2: Moving AI Forward
- Mementor
- NVIDIA Inception Alliance with GE Healthcare and Nuance
Issue #17: November 2020
- AlphaFold-2
- NeurIPS Meetup Japan 2020
- Grad SLAM
- The Language Interpretability Tool (LIT)
- Image Expert Models
- MinDiff Framework
- Apple M1 chip
Issue #16: October 2020
- Papers with Code & Arxiv partnership
- VLFeat Library gets an award
- M2M-100 — multilingual machine translation
- TensorSensor
- NVIDIA Maxine
- NeurIPS 2020 Accepted Papers
Issue #15: September 2020
- NVIDIA to acquire Arm
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization
- GeForce RTX 30 Series
- NLP Specialization — Attention Models
Issue #14: August 2020
- TensorFlow Lite Micro support on the ESP32
- TF-Coder
- Objax: a new high-level JAX API
- Apple's AI/ML residency program
- Semantic MapNet
- Danfo.js: a Pandas-like Library in JavaScript
- ECCV 2020 Conference
- Model Card Toolkit for Easier Model Transparency Reporting
- Real World Reinforcement Learning (RWRL) simulation suite
- Google offers career certificates equivalent to 4-year degrees
Issue #13: July 2020
- IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award 2021
- GPT-3 codes up a website for you
- ICML 2020 Outstanding Paper Awards
- CVPR, ICCV, WACV videos
- ACL 2020 Best Paper Award
- Deep Learning with PyTorch
- MIT takes down Tiny Images dataset due to offensive content
- International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science
Issue #12: June 2020
- Keen: Machine Learning based version of Pinterest
- The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)
- CVPR 2020 (virtual)
- NeurIPS 2020 fully virtual
- ICML 2020 Accepted Papers
- NeurIPS 2020 Competitions
Issue #11: May 2020
- New Raspberry PI device released
- GameGAN: NVIDIA recreates PAC-MAN
- ACL 2020 announced accepted papers
- NVIDIA released a new GPU: A100
- Hugging Face models' performance visualization
- The Big Bad NLP Database
- OSS release of pytorch-pfn-extras
- New website for Keras has been launched
- Reinforcement Learning with Augmented Data (RAD)
- CNN Explainer
Issue #10: April 2020
- Facebook AI releases Blender
- Virtual ICLR 2020
- Facebook and AWS introduce TorchServe
- PyTorch v1.5 release
- MONAI: An Open Source AI Framework for Healthcare Research
- The AI For Medicine Specialization
- OpenAI Microscope
- We lost John Horton Conway
- ML Code Completeness Checklist
- Image Matching Benchmark and Challenge
- Waymo: Automated Data Augmentation
- ACM Prize in Computing Awarded to AlphaGo Lead David Silver
Issue #9: March 2020
- Keras turned 5
- Facebook releases SynSin
- Turing Award 2019 winners: Patrick M. Hanrahan and Edwin E. Catmull
- NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
- Stanford NLP Group releases Stanza
- Google announced TensorFlow Developer Certificate
- ICLR 2020 as a fully virtual conference due to the coronavirus spreading
- Google announced TensorFlow Quantum: An Open Source Library for Quantum Machine Learning
- Researchers from Microsoft have created AI ethics checklist with nearly 50 engineers from a dozen tech companies
- Google announced a new neural-network library: Neural Tangents
Issue #8: February 2020
- Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Yoshua Bengio have been invited to AAAI-2020 conference to give a talk
- Powerful antibiotic discovered using machine learning for first time
Issue #7: August 2019
- OpenAI releases GPT-2 774M parameter model
- TF 2.0 is now available
Issue #6: July 2019
- GPT-2 and BERT on-device with Swift and CoreML
- Microsoft invests $1B in OpenAI
- pip install pytorch-transformers
- ICLR 2020 First Call for Papers
- Google ML Summit in Tokyo
- New course: A Code-First Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Issue #5: June 2019
- Semantic Sanity
- ICML 2019: Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning
- Research: AI is a ‘welcome boost’ that could add millions to GDP
Issue #4: May 2019
- Expanded dataset: More MNIST examples
- Facebook upgraded its AI services
- G-7 Science Academies release statements on AI
- ML algorithm predicts heart attacks with 90% accuracy
Issue #3: April 2019
- Fooling automated surveillance cameras: adversarial patches to attack person detection
- Tesla Autonomy Day
- OpenAI Five defeats Dota 2 world champions @OGesports
- Ian Goodfellow changes from Google Brain to Apple
Issue #2: March 2019
- Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio win Turing Award
- NVIDIA introduces the Jetson Nano - a small AI computer
- OpenAI changes from non-profit to for-profit
- TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha release
- GauGans tool turns doodles into photorealistic landscapes
- New to Microsoft 365: A nice ML use case for data entry
- Google open sourced GPipe
- OpenAI released Activation Atlas
Issue #1: February 2019
- Coursera: Andrew Ng launched AI for Everyone
- DeepMind: ML can increase the value of wind energy
- Lingvo: TF framework for sequence modeling tasks open sourced