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Add option to clone archive tags to unarchived files

Open ci-macpaw opened this issue 14 years ago • 3 comments

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 272


It would be very useful if The Unrachiver could clone metadata from the archive file
such as 
Spotlight Comments and More Info to the files and folders that are extracted from that
archive. This 
way extracted files will not become unassociated from their origin and could still
be easily found 
with Spotlight or any other tagging/searching software.

ci-macpaw avatar May 29 '10 20:05 ci-macpaw

Alan Ruttenberg (alanruttenberg):


I'd like to see at least the 'where from' metadata propagated to all extracted files.
I expect the policy would be different on a term to term basis.

ci-macpaw avatar Mar 28 '13 01:03 ci-macpaw


Copying metadata to top-leve folder definitely makes sense. I agree that doing that
for all files might not be 
applicable in all scenarios, but on the other hand it wouldn't hurt and it won't break
anything. Files might 
eventually get scattered and this would ease tracking...
Anyway, a simple toggle or check box could cover both cases.


ci-macpaw avatar May 29 '10 22:05 ci-macpaw


Hmm. I see the point, but I'm not sure what the exact behaviour should be. Copying 
metadata to all files might not make sense in every case. Copying it to the top-level

folder might be, though.


ci-macpaw avatar May 29 '10 20:05 ci-macpaw