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Excessive I/O causes system to become unresponsive until completed

Open ci-macpaw opened this issue 14 years ago • 2 comments

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 237


I'm using version 2.3 under Snow Leopard. When decompressing large rar
archives, the entire system becomes unresponsive due to the excessive I/O.
Would it be possible to deprioritize the process? Under OS X, nice'ing a
process also affects the I/O, so I now just run `nice -n 15 unrar ...` from
the terminal to avoid this issue.

ci-macpaw avatar Feb 06 '10 12:02 ci-macpaw


I'm using a MacBook Core2 Duo under Snow Leopard.

ci-macpaw avatar Feb 09 '10 12:02 ci-macpaw


Maybe. On what kind of system are you having that problem? I haven't noticed much of
that personally.

ci-macpaw avatar Feb 06 '10 13:02 ci-macpaw