Github-Folder-Icons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Github-Folder-Icons copied to clipboard

Custom Icons for Mac OS X and iOS Developers to beautify Github repository folders.

Readme - Github® Folder Icons

Custom Icons for Mac OS X and iOS Developers to beautify Github repository folders.
Created by Pepi Zawodsky, based on awesome Github original artwork from the Oktodex
My Github Profile: MacLemon's Profile
You can also find me on Twitter: @MacLemon

See this Folder Icons Screenshot to decicde if you like the icons withou having to clone the repo first.

Enjoy! Pepi

The Icons

Links to the original artwork and their artists used for the folders are also provided as bookmark files inside the corresponding folders.

How to I use these things?

Download and unzip the Github Folder In there you'll find some folders with the custom icons. To apply one of these to your repository folder get info (by pressing ⌘I) on the folder, click on the icon in the upper left of the information dialog and copy (by pressing ⌘C). Get info on your target folder and paste the icon likewise. You can get elaborate instructions in Apple knowledge base article TA20788

Thanks to these support staff people for their help

  • Chris Wanstrath
  • Melissa Severini
  • Petros Amiridis

Software used

The application used to create these folders is Folders Factory which you can get on the Mac® App Store.


Original Github Artwork is used with permission by Github for fair use for fan art.

You are not allowed to create derivative works of these icons without prior permission by Github as they contain artwork that is copyrighted by Github.

GITHUB®, the GITHUB® logo design, OCTOCAT® and the OCTOCAT® logo design are exclusive trademarks registered in the United States by GitHub, Inc. The OCTOCAT® design is the exclusive property of GitHub, Inc and has been federally registered with the United States Copyright Office. All rights reserved. No adaptation or use of any kind of any of Github's registered trademarks or copyrights, or any other contents of the Github website, is allowed without the express written permission of GitHub, Inc.

Personal remark by Pepi Zawodsky

Thanks to the Github legal team for understanding the value of fan made art and allowing me to share these icons with the developer community and other github customers.