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OAuth2 authorization for Svelte

Svelte (and SvelteKit) OAuth2

Add OAuth2 authorization in Svelte


npm install @macfja/svelte-oauth2



    import Auth, { init, browserStrategy, AuthorizationCodePKCE, addAuthHeader } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"

        new AuthorizationCodePKCE(
            '$$gitlab client id$$',

    let username
    const getUserName = () => {
        addAuthHeader().then(headers => {
            fetch('', { headers })
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(response => username = response.username)

<Auth scopes={['read_user']} on:authenticated={getUserName}>
    <div slot="loading">Loading...</div>
    <div slot="error" let:error>{error.message}</div>
    Hello {username}!



import { svelteKitStrategy } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"

export async function handle({ request, resolve }) {
    return svelteKitStrategy.handleHook({request, resolve})


<script context="module">
    import { init, svelteKitStrategy, AuthorizationCodePKCE, runOAuth2Process } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"

    const scopes = ['read_user'];

    export const load = async ({fetch, page}) => {
            new AuthorizationCodePKCE(
                '$$gitlab client id$$',
        try {
            return {
                props: { authentication: await runOAuth2Process(scopes) }
        } catch (e) {
            return {
                props: { authentication: Promise.reject(e) }
    import Auth, { addAuthHeader } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"

    export let authentication
     For the example purpose this is done in the browser, but can also be done in SSR
     See below.
    let username
    const getUserName = () => {
        addAuthHeader().then(headers => {
            fetch('', { headers })
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(response => username = response.username)

<h1>Welcome to SvelteKit</h1>
<p>Visit <a href=""></a> to read the documentation</p>

<Auth scopes={['read_user']} on:authenticated={getUserName}>
    <div slot="loading">Loading...</div>
    <div slot="error" let:error>{error.message}</div>
    Hello {username}!

SvelteKit full SSR


import { svelteKitStrategy } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"

export async function handle({ request, resolve }) {
    return svelteKitStrategy.handleHook({request, resolve})


<script context="module">
    import { init, svelteKitStrategy, AuthorizationCodePKCE, runOAuth2Process, addAuthHeader, isAuthorized } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"

    const scopes = ['read_user'];

    export const load = async ({fetch, page}) => {
            new AuthorizationCodePKCE(
                '$$gitlab client id$$',
        try {
            const auth = await runOAuth2Process(scopes)
            let username;
            if (await isAuthorized(scopes)) {
                username = await getUserName()
            return {
                props: { authentication: auth, username }
        } catch (e) {
            return {
                props: { authentication: Promise.reject(e) }

    const getUserName = () => {
        return addAuthHeader().then(headers => {
            return fetch('', { headers })
                    .then(response => response.json())
                    .then(response => response.username)
    import Auth from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"

    export let authentication
    export let username
    const onAuth = () => {
        if (username !== undefined) return
        getUserName().then(value => username = value)

<h1>Welcome to SvelteKit</h1>
<p>Visit <a href=""></a> to read the documentation</p>

<Auth scopes={['read_user']} on:authenticated={onAuth}>
    <div slot="loading">Loading...</div>
    <div slot="error" let:error>{error.message}</div>
    Hello {username}!

Available Grant

Client Credential

Implementation of Client Credential flow

import { ClientCredentials } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"
new ClientCredentials(
    contextStrategy, // The context strategy to use (How the auth integrate with the app), Svelte/Browser or SvelteKit
    'Client Id', // The OAuth2 Client Id
    'Client Secret', // The OAuth2 Client Secret
    'Token Uri', // The Auth Server URI where to get the access token.
    'Post Authenticate Uri', // The application URI to go when the user is authenticated.
    credentialMode, // Where to put credential (Client Id and Client Secret). "request" or "header"

Authorization Code

Implementation of Authorization Code flow

import { AuthorizationCode } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"
new AuthorizationCode(
    contextStrategy, // The context strategy to use (How the auth integrate with the app), Svelte/Browser or SvelteKit
    'Client Id', // The OAuth2 Client Id
    'Client Secret', // The OAuth2 Client Secret
    'Post Login Redirect Uri', // The application URI to go when the user is authenticated.
    'Token Uri', // The Auth Server URI where to get the access token.
    'Post Authenticate Uri', // The application URI to go when the user is authenticated.
    'Authorization Redirect Uri', // The application URI to go back from the Auth Server
    credentialMode, // Where to put credential (Client Id and Client Secret). "request" or "header"

Authorization Code With PKCE

Implementation of PKCE flow

import { AuthorizationCodePKCE } from "@macfja/svelte-oauth2"
new AuthorizationCodePKCE(
    contextStrategy, // The context strategy to use (How the auth integrate with the app), Svelte/Browser or SvelteKit
    'Client Id', // The OAuth2 Client Id
    'Post Login Redirect Uri', // The application URI to go when the user is authenticated.
    'Token Uri', // The Auth Server URI where to get the access token.
    'Post Authenticate Uri', // The application URI to go when the user is authenticated.
    'Authorization Redirect Uri', // The application URI to go back from the Auth Server


Contributions are welcome. Please open up an issue or create PR if you would like to help out.

Read more in the Contributing file


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.