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Google Play Games Developer Edition
Google Play Games Developer Edition adds adb compatibility and MAA is already working with it (it's a bit quirky). It has very low screencap cost, but unfortunately I wasn't able to use neither Minitouch or MAAtouch. The only touch mode that is working is adb input, which still works really well (unless there's swiping involved).
not working, don't think it ever will.
open: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event6 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event5 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event4 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event3 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event2 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event1 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event0 for inspectionUnable to find a suitable touch device
this is a bit stranger.
[2024-04-13 18:48:35.833][INF][Px6ad4][Tx6afc] D:\MAA\adb\adb.exe -s localhost:6520 shell "export CLASSPATH=/data/local/tmp/650250b7d3b27b6; app_process /data/local/tmp com.shxyke.MaaTouch.App"
[2024-04-13 18:48:36.040][INF][Px6ad4][Tx6afc] pipe str
^ 10 1920 1080 255
$ 255
After this, it continues its task, tries to maaclick, but no click appears, and this starts to loop:
[2024-04-13 18:49:33.427][TRC][Px6ad4][Tx6f58] maatouch click: (1504, 757)
[2024-04-13 18:49:33.427][ERR][Px6ad4][Tx6f58] Failed to write to IOHandlerWin32, err 232
[2024-04-13 18:49:33.427][ERR][Px6ad4][Tx6f58] Failed to write to minitouch, try restart minitouch and re-write
[2024-04-13 18:49:33.427][TRC][Px6ad4][Tx6f58] asst::MinitouchController::call_and_hup_minitouch | enter
[2024-04-13 18:49:33.427][INF][Px6ad4][Tx6f58] D:\MAA\adb\adb.exe -s localhost:6520 shell "export CLASSPATH=/data/local/tmp/650250b7d3b27b6; app_process /data/local/tmp com.shxyke.MaaTouch.App"
[2024-04-13 18:49:33.674][INF][Px6ad4][Tx6f58] pipe str
^ 10 1920 1080 255
$ 255
[2024-04-13 18:49:33.674][INF][Px6ad4][Tx6f58] minitouch key props 10 1920 1080 255
After digging deeper, I found that for Android >= 10 there's a workaround to allow minitouch to work.
My android knowledge is very limited. I started the necessary service for STF to work but wasn't able to link minitouch to the new port. Maybe this is something worth looking into, to enable more devices (native smartphones) to run MAA (without ADB input). cc @horror-proton @MistEO