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MaMpf (Mathematical Media Platform) — an E-Learning platform for mathematics featuring a media player & editor. Developed & deployed at Heidelberg University.
Currently, for a lecture that has assignments or tutorials, the "Delete" but is otherwise empty, the "Delete" button is shown. Pushing it then results in an exception due to foreign...
I think webpacker and other dev-Deps would not not be installed, if this is `production=true`. We could move the devDeps in the package.json to dependencies and everything should work as...
We are currently having trouble with sorting them out.
MaMpf is currently having typical symptoms of growing pain. In this issue we want to identify the segments of mampf that hinder scaling and need redesign.
For Phones and some smaller tablets the design is not ideal. In this issue we want to collect ideas, how to improve the usability on small screen devices. Some features...
For programming exercises the current setup is not efficient: students have to upload zip files and can not cooperate easily via mampf. One idea is to provide a minimal git...
If you import a manuscript, the cache is not invalidated and changes are not visible instantly.
Es wäre toll, wenn es möglich wäre, Vorlesungen live zu übertragen. Dabei sollte es für einen Assistenten/StudentIn möglich sein, möglichst live die Videos zu taggen. Neben den technischen Voraussetzungen sollte...
Students know the best what tags they need and lecturers have not always the resources or time to tag all their videos. Proposed is a system, where students can add...