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MH-CommunityService, to punish misbehaved players

Hi 👋, I'm MaDHouSe

A passionate allround developer

MH-CommunityService, to punish players

  • Punish misbehaved players.
  • players must complete their community service before they can continue playing.
  • Rejoining the server is not going to work to get out of community service.
  • Run away will not work, you will get punish ever time when you walk away from the location.
  • If a player gets in community service, all the players on the server will know it.

💪 Dependencies


  • place the folder mh-communityservice in resources/[qb]
  • add the sql table to your database.
  • restart your server

How to apply community service.

  • Use the /comserv [player_id] [service_count] command (only admins).
  • Use the /endcomserv [player_id] to finish a player's community service (only admins).

For qb-radialmenu police job actions.(F1 Job Menu)

    id = 'comserv',
    title = 'Comm Service',
    icon = 'user-lock',
    type = 'client',
    event = 'mh-communityservice:client:opencomserv',
    shouldClose = true

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